Untitled Part 24

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Port of Souls Krin

The door creaked open as I sauntered back into the room, a bag of ingredients in hand. Birdy's raised eyebrow greeted my late arrival, and she wasted no time in questioning my tardiness.

"Krin, where on earth have you been? We're not planning a culinary expedition to the ends of the realms," she remarked, a playful tone in her voice.

I chuckled, feigning innocence. "Must've taken a wrong turn somewhere. Got caught up in the scenic route, you know?"

Birdy crossed her arms, a smirk forming on her lips. "Scenic route? In a town you've lived in for years? I find that very hard to believe."

Bomb, always ready for a good laugh, joined in. "Well, Krin, if you're going to get lost, at least bring back some exotic ingredients!"

I shot back, "I tried, but they were all out of unicorn tears and dragon scales."

Blue bird rolled her eyes, a smile breaking through her facade. "Let's get back to cooking before we end up with a feast of excuses instead."

As Birdy returned to her culinary endeavours, I couldn't help but watch her with a fond admiration. Leaning against the table, my gaze lingered on her as she stirred the pot.

Bomb teased, "Krin, you're staring at her like she's the missing ingredient in your recipe."

I smirked. "Well, Bomb, some things are best left simmering."

Doorlan, interjected, "When are you going to start cooking, Krin? Or did you get lost in the spice aisle too?"

I replied, quick on my feet, "Ah, Doorlan, you know, cooking is an art. I'm just allowing the ingredients to marinate in anticipation." I give a little pointy finger over them.

Doorlan raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Marinate, huh? More like procrastinating."

I winked. "Well, you know what they say, good things come to those who wait. And speaking of waiting, how's your statue collection?"

Doorlan sighed, knowing he wasn't going to get a straight answer. "Never mind, just get on with it."

As Doorlan and I continued our chat, Birdy placed her carefully prepared cake into the oven, a smile gracing her face. The room was filled with warm laughter.

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