chapter 17

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Port of Souls                                                            Lacey

I exit the dingy room that I made myself a home in. I was in desperate need of food, food seemed to be a luxury I took for granted and I never would again. My mouth was dry like salt and the air felt like I was rocking on a boat in the Port of Souls.

We had gone on a long walk to find some fabric bomb needed to make her dress to a dance she was going to to pawn on a square. I hadn't eaten all day and we came back at the dead of night. So me and Simon went to bed. I didn't think it would be the end of the world.

I felt a need to devour the ocean that surrounded me nearby but i can taste the fresh sea salt and feel my tongue dry like mud in the sunlight of Craven. I feel the heat giving off by the candle that lit up this homely place I found myself to be in. How I miss how the sun taunted me with its flash of heat, the warm embrace it left on my skin. the marks of love.

I walk through the creaky house filled with past adventures and forgotten memories. I can see the tiny gaps of wood poking through the shelves. ready for more journeys that probably took them across the world.

"You again?" annoyed eyes set on my face. Doorlan, his dark hair dishevelled as if he had been grasping on it. "what will it take to get rid of you?" He lifts the glass of water to his red lips. Taunting me.

"If you wish so badly to get rid of me," I say softly, taking another step towards him. "I think you will find my taste more... expensive." I give him a small smile as I lean to get a cup, and fill it with the water I desperately need.

"Look around, I'm sure you will find my taste in collectibles to your standard missy. " he gestured around the room showing off his treasures. "Does anything peak your attention?"

I eye him, studying him and I gulp down another drink. His green eyes were the kind of eyes that spoke to a soul silently. Bright, bold and beautiful. They were a balance of peace I needed in my life. A blue light catches my attention behind him. and I immediately thought of Krin.

"I'm willing to give you the world. Gold, jewellery, dragons and diamonds." he takes a creaky step towards me. are faces barely touching. Like a forbidden kiss. "Anything to get rid of you."

"What are you a pirate?" A smile touches my face. As I feel his breath on mine. It felt forbidden. as if we were performing a dance, with no-one watching.

As a strong gust of wind turns the candle cold.

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