chapter 18

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Port of Souls                                           Lacey

The morning sunlight bathed the breakfast table, casting a warm glow on the array of delicious treats Bomb had prepared. Laughter and banter filled the air as we enjoyed the camaraderie of the group, each member immersed in their own conversations.

"Remember that heist at the royal gala?" Bomb began, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "We were after the Crown Jewels, and Simon here decides to entertain the guards with his invisible friend routine."

Simon, his eyes twinkling with mischief, nodded in agreement, seemingly proud of his antics.

"It was pure chaos," Bomb continued, her laughter contagious. "While Simon had the guards distracted, Krin and I sneaked into the vault. But just as we were about to grab the jewels, Simon's invisible friend decides to pull a prank on him."

The group erupted in laughter, the memory of the heist bringing a shared sense of nostalgia.

"Simon's dancing around like a madman, thinking it's the guards messing with him, and we're stuck trying not to burst into laughter in the vault," Krin added, a grin playing on his lips.

"Eventually, we managed to grab the jewels and make a daring escape, all thanks to Simon's invisible friend," Bomb concluded, raising her cup in a mock salute.

The table resounded with laughter and applause, Simon joining in with a hearty thud of table slams, a rhythmic expression of his amusement.

I remember that night I had to be thrown in my room. I could hear the commotion and I remember the panic when the royal jewels were on auction at some butcher shops backroom. I rember the embarrassment on the guards face as they came to tells us.

As the banter continued, Doorlan gazed thoughtfully into the distance. I couldn't help but feel the magnetic pull to him. After last night, we handed said a word. Just shared glances.

The topic of conversation shifted, and in the midst of the animated discussions, Doorlan's voice cut through the air like a gentle breeze. "Pass the sugar," he requested, his tone carrying a subtle hint of amusement.

Me and Krin, engrossed in our own exchange, reached for the sugar simultaneously. Our fingers brushed in passing, a fleeting touch that held a quiet promise, a momentary connection that seemed to last longer.

Doorlan's patience wore thin, and his irritation became evident. "Hello? I just wanted my sugar," he exclaimed, his words breaking through the cocoon of shared glances and unspoken understanding.

Despite Doorlan's interruption, I found myself captivated by the stormy depths of Krin's eyes. It was as if I were swimming in an ocean, the rhythmic motion calming her, drawing her into a realm where time seemed to stand still. Swimming in his stormy eyes. Letting the ocean rock me. Calm me. Drift me further to no escape. Near his iris, black like the night yet shone like the moon, holding me in a blanket keeping the nightmares at bay. a magnetic allure that wrapped around me like a vice, a fabric she couldn't resist.

Krin seemed to devour my chocolate eyes, bathing like a chocolate river of his dreams.

The group whispered amongst themselves, creating a backdrop to the silent exchange.

Doorlan, growing impatient, snatched the sugar from their hands, abruptly ending the stolen moment. Bomb, disapproving of the disruption, delivered a head slap to Doorlan, a visual reminder of the fragile yet potent connection. Bomb is the only person that could get away with such an attack on the leader. Doorlans eyes crease questioning his life decisions.

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