chapter 13

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Port of Souls                                             Lacey

The horns blow, a grease travelling in with it. Shocking some people who were lying around.

I take a deep breath trying to hold onto my nerves. Never in my life had I thought of robbing a chair to join a re of thieves to join their heaven but here I am.

Doorlan sits stranger if that's even possible the man is practically ready to jump out of his sea. Maybe he plans for stuff to go wrong to prove himself to him. It seems that iit is only his approval I need to seek.

Well oiled clogs. Describe them. Or maybe there is a superhero group you read in the old history books. Doorlan is this maniac with telepathy. Everything seemed to fall into a well-fitted puzzle.

I could see Simon's built figure walk. To the front of the glass display emerged from behind the chair. Plucking it up like a feather, he has super strength for sure. That's his power. Opening the door the ringing of the bell was lost in the crowd.

Then I see Krins on his horse like he was born, riding waving his hand like a mad man. He welcomed Simon with a twirl of his hat that clearly was too big for his head, perfectly matching his ego. He brings his horse drawn carriage. Simon fits the chair in and jumps into the carriage. Fleeing the scene. Unbeknownst to anyone in the crowd that anything had happened. Incredible. But I am still waiting for the last shoe to drop. Everything went perfectly.

Doorlan stands alert. Had I missed something? He slings his bag over his shoulder. Before I could ask him what was wrong with a blaring alarm score he's down the street. I covered my ear as it bled. The pitch was high and deafening. Doorlan seemed to have other plans than to cover his poor ears. He drags me towards an alleyway.

My head turned toward the antique shop. The stubble man appears out of the door noticing the missing chair. He runs out to the street in search of his chair he had misplaced. I panic is Bomb okay? A few seconds later the view of the shop disappears behind a wall. I see ginger hair leaving the shop. 

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