chapter 5

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Outskirts of Kingdom of Tareeya                        Lacey

I watch the sky and the stars dancing an elegant dance. Hypnotising the watchers. Placing us in a trance of beauty and worship.

I hear the sound of a sword being wielded, but before I can turn around or scream. A lilac hand wraps around my mouth. Muting any and all noice i could get out. I feel the sheer cold sword on my neck. Blood pumping around my body in an uneasy frenzy. I don't want to die. Not here. I kick my feet as they drag me away from the outpost. I feel a heat rise in me.

I hear more sticks and branches snap. Animal whispers and trees groaning against the breeze. The trees awaken and the branches shake violently. The leaves falling like fallen soldiers in battle. F;aning left and right. Creating a storm of green, oranges, red and browns. Covering me, burning me in my grave. Will anyone remember me? What will I be known as? The queen that was never. The febrile princess. Nothing nice. Nothing good. Nothing to remember.


I hear but can't see. The hand around my grip loosens, dropping me onto the ground. Their sword falling to the ground with a clash of thunder. Covering my face with my hands I hear the howls of wolves and screams of terror. Screeching like a rusted gate.

My heart is plumbing through my ears. Depleting any noises around. Fats and hard draining my thoughts.

I let out a shaky breath. Sitting up to meet my fate. A wolf and black as the sky that stood before in the sky. Face to face with a wolf. Staring into my soul. It bows its head and runs off with a howl. Only then do I notice the wolves around me rushing towards the midnight black wolf. That had probably saved my life.

I push myself up with my hands cutting myself on something sharp. Blood drips from my hand as I hold it tight in a fist. Carefully I scan the ground looking for whatever cuts me. Touching a handle. Picking it up, the blade facing the ground. I look at the sight on the bottom of the handle. Lilac and strong dark blue. The symbol of a spider.

Regent Lowel.

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