chapter 3

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Kingdom of Tareeya                                  Lacey

After yesterday's explosive behaviour and lack of learning that is how the regent king Lowel worded it. He has me in lessons that drain the will to live out of my soul. I have memorised every word this old cranky lady has ever taught me.

Why did I think he would help? Lend me a hand and pull me out of my mind. That is trying to claw and eat away at my confidence and voice I hold here. As their precious gem to show off to the other realms leaders. He might be king regent but he was my fathers brother before that. He was my fathers... he was my uncle before that. When i lo

ok at my uncle i neve see my father in him.

"Are you listening, princess?" Governess Amotra tries to catch me out.

"Yes, you just said 'to rule the ruler has to be mentally checked to see if they are fit to rule. This was put in place after the overthrow of tyrannical king Tappler." I repeat it like reading from a book.

She nodded her head. As she carries on talking my ears off.

"Tell me what are the main things when choosing a husband you have to think about?"

I act like I'm thing tapping my pencil on my chin. "He must hold land and title, he must not have any illegitimate children when joining marriage, he must be approved by head of kingdom, if not possible you must come up with your own verdict, he must also not be married nor engaged."

I tap my pencils on the paper she had placed in front of me to take notes or to write questions I did not understand. I never bother writing anything, nothing good comes from it. My notes were either illegalable or lacking enough information. When it came to writing questions. She would just ask my uncle to beat the information into me. I had asked why a female couldn't rule after reading all the books I could. She told me in a condescending tone that my uncle would tell me. Instead of telling how that law came to be. He sent me to the infirmary after I had 'slipped'.

I tried to think of who I could contact to ask for help or a different perspective. Ticking of a mental list i my head. Then it hits me on who i can write a letter to.

Dearest Lysander,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I'm sure you have heard about my defiance and rebellion I have participated in to get out of this marriage of need. I have tried to place my pride and own happiness to the sidelines. Maybe i could find a love in this hopeless situation. I hope not, since i ill let you into a small rumour i have heard and my Uncle has said it is true. He is a murder, killed his pat wives.

I know of the polices and the situation between our two kingdoms. I know with my uncle in power you cannot offer me any physical support. But to know you will be a silent Allie in the corner would be great for when I do take the crown. I would like you to be on my side. Everyone wants death themselves on their side.

Hope this letter reaches you. When I post this is a question and when you receive it is an entirely other question. Where I will be in another.

So the next time do update on your life. How are you? How is the quest for love going? How is the dark?

From your estranged lover,

Princess ( soon to be queen ) Lacey.

I scribble onto the paper, and fold in keeping it from Amortas hands that try to claw it from the table. I place it under my core set, rising from the table as Beth comes to grab me. My uncle had surprised me with a surprise visit from my future husband's court.

Beth has me sit down and dress me in a dark blue dress, which is the colour of his court. I hated wearing clothes like that. To show that you belong. To prove you belong. By the end of the accessories and hairpieces I'm engulfed by a wave. Flooded by the ocean, with pearls around my neck straggling me.

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