chapter 26

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Port of Souls                             Krin

I didn't mean for it to end like this. It was just a joke. Just another silly prank to lighten the mood, to make everyone laugh. That's what I do, right? The funny guy, the jokester. I thought I was making a memory we'd all laugh about later. But as I lay here, listening to Lacey's quiet sobs from the next room, I realised how wrong I was.

Lacey's cake... I knew it meant a lot to her, but I didn't realise how much. Not until it was too late. The way her eyes lit up when she talked about it, the hours she spent perfecting every detail... and I just knocked it to the floor like it was nothing. Like she was nothing. God, how could I be so blind?

I hear the others scolding me, their words sharp and angry. They don't know. They don't understand how much I care about her. Every laugh, every joke is just my way of hiding how deeply I feel. I want to tell them, to make them see that I'm not just some heartless prankster. But their voices fade, and all I can hear is Lacey's crying. It's like a dagger to my heart, each sob twisting deeper.

In my hand, I turn the promise ring over and over. I was going to give it to her tonight. I wanted it to be perfect. A promise that I'd always be there for her, that I'd never let her down. But I've already failed her, haven't I? I've hurt the one person I never wanted to hurt.

I remember the first time I saw her. She was so full of life, so beautiful. I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. And every day since, I've fallen more and more in love with her. Her kindness, her strength, her passion... everything about her makes my heart ache with longing. And now I've shattered that, shattered her.

I want to go to her, to tell her how sorry I am. To make it right. But I'm afraid. Afraid she'll never forgive me, that she'll see me for the fool I am. But I can't stay here, hiding in the shadows, while she's hurting.

I take a deep breath, clutching the ring tightly. I have to try. For her. For us. I have to show her that I'm more than just a funny guy. That I love her more than words can say. I have to make her believe in me again.

Lacey, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Please, let me make it right. Please, give me a chance to show you how much you mean to me. Because without you, I'm nothing. And I can't bear the thought of a life without your laughter, your love.

I love you, Lacey. More than you'll ever know. And I promise, I'll spend the rest of my life proving it to you, if you'll let me.

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