chapter 29

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Ports of souls Lacey

The air in the cellar shifted, and as I pulled away from the kiss, a realisation dawned on me. We were not alone. The door, once a barrier between us and the world, now held an audience on the other side.

I banged my hand on the door in frustration, my voice laced with both annoyance and a hint of amusement. "Well, it seems our little drama had an audience," I declared, addressing the unseen observers. "You could have at least given us some privacy!"

Behind the door, there was a screech, followed by what seemed like Bomb falling over. A chuckle resonated from behind Bomb – Doorlan. "As long as you two are fine and won't attack us, we'll let you out. Bring the candles with you; Doorlan made breakfast," Bomb's voice echoed through the door. "But I wouldn't forgive him just yet."

With a bemused smile, I turned to Krin, who wore an expression caught between embarrassment and amusement. "Why?" I questioned, eyeing him up and down.

Bomb waved a screwdriver in my face, and confusion furrowed my brow. She moved behind me, approaching Krin and reaching into his pocket, revealing another screwdriver. Krin dramatically shook his head.

"What has this got to do with a screwdriver?" I asked, feeling the puzzle pieces slowly clicking into place.

Doorlan strolled past, leaning in to see what was keeping us. "The door gets jammed all the time," he explained casually, not quite meeting my eyes. "We all keep a screwdriver on us just in case we get stuck. I didn't think he would talk to you."

A burst of laughter escaped me, the absurdity of the situation sinking in. "So, we've been unwitting participants in a grand escape plan orchestrated by the notorious Bomb," I quipped, exchanging a glance with Krin.

Bomb shrugged, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "You could say that. But hey, it worked, didn't it?"

With a collective chuckle, we exited the cellar, candles in hand, ready to face the amused yet slightly exasperated expressions of our unconventional audience

I glare at Krin. He shrugs at me.

The nerve on this boy. I wonder why I like him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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