chapter 10

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Port of souls                                                       Krin

She has been staring at this regal chair. It was a wooden chair, strong and fancy looking, with wood from the terror forest and cushions from red wandering sheep. She hasn't asked for it, I'm guessing because of the priceless amount the keeper is selling it for. But that is not why we came here obviously. This is an initiation. This is the game.

So I drag her from her daydreaming, to a cafe down the street. My favorite spot. To explain this game, she has fallen into playing for a seat at the table..

"Money isn't an object in this situation '' I whisper. My mind is racing with possibilities. So many ways for this plan to be pulled off. Everyone remembers their first.

"No! '' She says in a hush tone looking for people who may be eavesdropping, because they don't have a life. Everyone has goals in the Port for their own gain. A plan to kill the other person before they drown in their own pity puddle.

"The object of this game..." I drag on. "Is that chair you have been ogling?" she was making glances at it like a secret admirer. likes its starker.

"It's illegal."

"Yeh, duh, that's the fun of it,'' I smirk, loving the fear on her face. The look in her panicked eyes. Everyone remembers their first.

"Operation chair heist" I stared into her golden soul, "is a go!" I drum my fingers in a beat, swinging off the chair.

We walk around in silence as she tries to formulate some sort of response to my seamlessly harmless idea. We just broke into and stole a highly expensive chair. The night swarms the Ports so quickly.

In the corner of my eyes I can see the shiny heavily armed royal guards. they do run this place, this crime was simply too high for such a small place. I turn my head to greet one with a curt nod. Having a good relationship is not always the worst idea. and I have had way worse. There was this one time I lit a fire at a red house.

he turns to meet who every i was greeting, she quickly turns around pushing forward dragging me forward with her. she pulls the clock i gave her closer to herself. no one acts that way to the guards without hiding a big secret. I don't mention it, having a feeling it will become known to Doorlan with his innate shadow ability. He knows everything.

about... everyone...

I take her back when the night is drawing closer to the port. Knowing the vile rats that hang about a night. Black coats and sharp teeth. Ripping up kids teddy's.

Opening the ever changing colourful door that leads to the haven under the cold bridge. That protects us like a standing guard. Masking us in the dark.


In the flickering glow of candlelight within the haven beneath the bridge, I found myself stealing glances at Birdy. Her presence, like a breath of fresh air, stirred something unfamiliar within me. unfamiliar in the haven, my makeshift home. for whenever I stay.

While the shadows danced across the worn walls, my attention was captivated by the grace that escaped from her every movement. I look like I admire them. the starker.

Birdy , with her bright eyes, seemed like an ethereal being that had ventured into our makeshift sanctuary into this unfit gruesome Port she found herself in. As she engaged in conversation with Doorlan, I marvelled at the delicate strength that radiated from her.

Caught in the dance of candlelight and shadows, I couldn't help but admire the way her eyes sparkled with a glimmer of curiosity. She listened intently, her expressions shifting with a silent acknowledgment of the tales we spun beneath the bridge. It was as if, in this haven of misfits and dreamers, she found a refuge from the weight of whatever is haunting her. something was lurking out these colour changing doors that had her running.

As the conversation meandered through whimsical debates about unicorns and the intricacies of our daring exploits, I felt a sad hum for not being in the conversation just watching it pass by me.

In a rare moment when our eyes met, a subtle understanding passed between us. Words unspoken, yet sentiments lingered in the air.

As the night unfolded, I found myself drawn to her presence, savouring the echoes of her laughter and the genuine interest she displayed in our peculiar home. It wasn't just admiration. It was love.

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