chapter 15

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Port of Souls                                            Lacey

The next few days have been filled with sombre talks and Doorlan dwelling in his room. But today he seems to be back. No one dared mention the boat, it was a forbidden topic. Alien.

The dimly lit room, filled with cabinets adorned with an eclectic array of trinkets, set the stage for a challenge set by Doorlan. Find a pen adorned with a snake, and the reward was a week's reprieve from chores. Not as simple. Not in the piles of collected trinkets from the past, some have been there longer than Doorlan.

Krin, with his chaotic energy, faced off against me, the one with a more methodical and organised approach. The air was charged with an unspoken tension as we embarked on the search, unaware that Doorlan had a few surprises up his sleeve.

Krin, true to his nature, attacked the task with impulsive fervour. Cabinets were upended, trinkets spilled onto the floor, creating a mess that echoed through the room. His frenetic energy seemed to defy the laws of order, creating chaos in the quest for this elusive pen. He emptied the entire cabinet no fear of the consequences of picking it up, sure of his win.

I, on the other hand, adopted a measured approach, carefully inspecting each cabinet, lifting and replacing trinkets with meticulous precision. The stark contrast between our strategies only heightened the anticipation of the challenge. Knowing the reward of having no chores for a week sounds like a blessing and a curse. Not knowing what I would do with myself.

"Quite the search you've got going on here," Doorlan remarked, appearing behind us. "But let me add a little incentive. Whoever finds the pen doesn't just escape chores—they also get a surprise bonus."

Krin raised an intrigued eyebrow, while I shot Doorlan a suspicious glance. "What kind of bonus are we talking about?"

Doorlan leaned in, his eyes flickering with mischief. "A little extra time off for a moonlit stroll, perhaps?"

As we delved deeper into the search, the room became a labyrinth of possibilities. Doorlan, watching from the shadows, added a twist to the challenge, promising a surprise bonus for the one who found the pen.  Adding this extra benefit seemed to be a game to him.

Krin randomly screams, "I've seen that before."

Doorlan whispered hints about the pen's supposed location, his sly smile betraying a hidden agenda. "It's in the corner," he hinted, standing back and watching the unfolding drama. The room seemed to shrink as Krin and I raced toward the designated spot. The clatter of trinkets and the rustle of our footsteps merged into a symphony of suspense. Doorlan observed from a distance, a silent puppeteer orchestrating.

The corner loomed ahead, and the tension escalated with every passing second. The pen, a coveted prize, became more than just a trinket—it symbolised a temporary escape from routine and an unexpected bonus. The room seemed to hold its breath as we reached the corner, hands reaching for the pen simultaneously.

In the collision, our fingers brushed against each other, and time momentarily slowed. Locked in a spontaneous staring contest, I found myself ensnared in Krin's blue eyes. They held an ocean of depth, a warmth that transcended the challenge at hand. The suspense lingered in the air, and for a fleeting moment, I wished the world would freeze. He holds me close, close to his chest, not letting me crash on the ground. Warmth spread throughout me

It was in a vase of real red rose, Bomb has been given by the neighbours above.

Still in the competitive spirit I grasp the pen , waving it in his face that I hand won. His hand still lingered on me. As I stared at him.

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