Chapter 1

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Kingdom of Tareeya                                                   Lacey

I am to be wed, they say.

To a cruel lord. A mean lord. A harsh lord. To a lord I have never met. I will never lay eyes on, at least until my wedding night. His identity is hidden from me like he is a beast. What the story's tell is he is cold unthawed by the warm sun in the summer.

I glare at myself in the mirror; as Beth, my maid, my closest friend, braids my hair getting me ready for the outing with my uncle. Sat idly in my room that unfolds like a serene dreamscape bathed in shades of blue. The walls, adorned with intricate tapestries and elegant drapes blocking the blinding sun. The room has a soft, ethereal glow as daylight filters through azure-stained windows, transforming every surface into a farm sea. Beth leaves swiftly to grab some tea to share. Expressing that it will calm my mind which is racing into madness.

I plan to convince him that I shouldn't need to get married. That I could rule on my own. That i wasn't a political tool the court could use. That I am enough. I had a list tightly packed into the pockets of my dress. On every surface I could fit legible writing onto it. Reasons upon reasons on why I can rule myself. that I was born to do so. Raise to do so since I was able to walk.

I shift in my seat. A plush velvet chair beckoning me to sink into its warm, comforting embrace. As I once again catch myself in the large, ornate mirror framed in sapphire-hued embellishments reflects the room's elegance.

The soft glow of sunlight flickered in my chamber as I stood before the ornate mirror, adorned in a gown that seemed more fit for royalty. Fit for the princess who is wearing it. Fit for the net queen to rule by herself.

The meadow loomed like a shadow in my thoughts, its vibrant beauty overshadowed by the turmoil in my mind. How would I get my uncle to agree that I could rule by myself? Beth, ever so cheerful, entered the room with a tray of chamomile tea and a gentle smile that seemed to dispel the encroaching shadows. For the time.

As I walk to her, the cool blue palette envelops me, reminding me of the sanctuary within the castle walls—a tranquillity where time seems to slow, and the whispers of history mingle with the soothing voice of my mother.

"Princess Lacey, you look positively radiant," Beth exclaimed, her eyes reflecting genuine warmth as she set the tray on the table.

I sighed, my gaze meeting hers while I sat next to her on the bed.. "Beth, it's all a façade to gain what was left for me. This gown, these expectations—none of it feels like me. The meadow... "

Beth approached, her hands deftly adjusting the folds of my gown with a comforting touch. "Princess or not, you're still Lacey. And the meadow? Well, it may be a battleground, but you don't not need to wield a weapon to win. You have a sharp tongue."

Her words, always so softly spoken, elicited a small smile from me. "Beth, I appreciate your optimism, but the expectations and the pressure—it's stifling. And the idea of being forced into marriage."

Beth placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, her eyes meeting mine in the mirror my eyes had settled on. "You're strong, Lacey. Stronger than you give yourself credit for. And love? Well, that's a force that can't be dictated by tradition or duty. You'll find your way, no matter what they throw at you."

I took a deep breath. "I just wish I could be more like you, Beth. Always so full of cheer." and it's true, her happiness radiates over everything in her sights. She's always so happy.

She chuckled, her reflection beaming back at me. "Oh, Princess, we're all fighting our battles. But you've got a fire within you, and I've seen it burn brightly before. Don't let anyone snuff it out. Now, let's not forget why we're getting dolled up in the first place. The meadow awaits, and you, my dear, are going to dazzle the suns and the clouds"

As Beth worked her magic, adjusting my hair with skilled fingers and offering words of encouragement, a sense of warmth enveloped me. The weight of the gown and the crown which was just out of reach, and for a moment, I glimpsed the reflection of a princess who could face.

"Now, look at yourself, Princess," Beth declared, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "Confidence is your best accessory, and you wear it well. Trust me, your uncle in the meadow will see the same radiant Lacey that I see." She gives me a hug.

Her words resonated deep within, infusing me with the love I missed from my mother. Beth's warmth in the hug we shared reminded me of my mother's last hug. Hopeful and desperate.

The meadow, beckoned with the promise of possibilities. With Beth by my side, I felt ready to face this battleground. Yet my nerves battle to paralyse my voice. My movements stifled, stuck, paralysed.

"Your Highness you look amazing" she changes her tone when the guard comes to transport me to the field. As I rise from the bed, Beth gives me a nod.

I idly stare at everything to my side and my governess goes on about ruling, "for one to be crowned they need to be of proper states and and by doing so in all dimensions crowned. and to be wed, it seems unfit to do so without." her voice drone lecturing me, explaining everything I know. Brandished in my mind.

I spotted my uncle in the bustling courtyard awaiting me presents so he could take me to the meadow. Our space. His game.


As we ride in silence to the meadow where my future lies. I heard words of encouragement the night we shared in the meadow. Beth continued her lively chatter, filling the air with anecdotes and laughter. The sunlight turned into the moonlit expanse, though with uncertainty, felt more like an adventure than anything. And as we stepped into the meadow, I couldn't help but be grateful for Beth's friendship and the confidence she had kindled within me. She had taken me to the meadow to show me that it is not just a battlefield, it is just a meadow. With a life and flow of its own. A rhythmic heartbeat follows.

As we walked through the wildflowers, the soft rustle of the leaves seemed to echo our laughter, and the worries that had weighed me down gradually dissipated. Beth's infectious optimism had a way of brightening even the darkest corners of my mind, and I found myself embracing the moment, revelling in the beauty of the meadow that had once felt like a battlefield.

"Beth, I don't know what I would do without you," I admitted, gratitude swelling within me.

She grinned, linking arms with me. "Likewise, Princess. We make a pretty unbeatable team, don't we?"

As we reached the centre of the meadow, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, Beth turned to me with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Now, Princess, it's time to dance. Dance like no one is watching, and let the worries of the crown slip away, if only for a moment."

I listened to her words without hesitation, we twirled and danced beneath the stars, the meadow becoming our grand ballroom. The weight of the crown and the expectations faded into the background, replaced by the joyous rhythm of our laughter and the rustling leaves. Leaving the life of politics for a gasp of something. If only for the last time.

In that enchanted moment, as we danced and revealed in the beauty of the meadow, Beth's pep talk echoed in my mind. "Confidence is your best accessory," she had said, and in the midst of the moonlit dance, I felt it radiate from within.

As the night waned, Beth and I found ourselves seated on a blanket beneath the sentinel tree, the meadow now bathed in a serene calm. As i bit into the hearty amount of food we had brought on this escape.

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