chapter 11

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Kingdom of Tareeya.                                 Lacey

We are actually going to try to pull a heist to steal a chair Doorlan explained to me after mentioning the small fire they had to put out before we returned.

After a while of them going through draws and accidently hitting trinkets on the side cabinets. Looking for some blueprints that just had lying around from past endeavours. I am not even going to question. While I stood there aimlessly trying to be as useful as possible to make this place a permanent home for myself. I learnt a few things watching them. a honed ability I had practically mastered in the courts. be seen not heard, gave you a lot of time to study others.

This group of people I had stumbled across were like cogs in a machine, working with efficiency and an unwaived sense of loyalty. When one moves it sends a chain reaction sending someone somewhere else on a mini side mission to complete and gather information, i was just... how did Doorlan put it a 'stray' with nowhere to go and nothing to do other than wait to be given scraps. All of this commotion because we must steal a chair meaning something to me. Meaning something to this group that surrounded me. meaning.

"Damm , I just realised where the blueprints are. Simon burned because of the fire in the hallway." Bomb mentions making everyone come to a halt. From my guess the exasperated sigh that Doorlan gave was a yes. Everyone turns to him for guidance on what to do. He sits down on his chair at the top of the long wooden carved table. His chair of darkness exudes an air of quiet authority. Setting in motion for everyone to sit in their chairs, now looking into it more it seems that each chair is intended to represent the person. Bomb is next to take a seat hers looks like it has small compartments that hold her items. Simon's tall large silent figure sits down on a throne shaped in a silhouette of a bird like an animal of elegance. With green and golden hues. Krins sat down on the opposite side of Simon, his chair showcased some detailed craftsmanship of skill.

The table itself serves as a canvas for the group of thieves, often while I have been here scattered with maps, blueprints, and the intricate details of their next venture or their perseus ones. Hard to see how it connects with knowing the minds that gather and sourced the information. The flickering candlelight casts dancing shadows across the strategically placed gems that stud the table's surface. Sometimes hitting the right angle and sending shooting colours off of it.

"Birdy?" Krin says trying to catch my attention, everyones eyes are on me, my body. I fold my hand as they look, giving me shivers down my spine.

"Yes." my voice comes out more strained than i would have hoped for. Doorlan green eyes holding me in an alluring captivity. His eyes hide and store secrets in a hidden glade. Enigma.

"How do you suggest we recover the blueprints to the manor of Antiques and Jewels." His voice has a slight intrigue.

think. all that experience standing around the boardroom, serving the knights and lords of the realm. all my life coming down to a moment to prove myself. not in the way i had thought i would be when i was a young child.

"Could we..." I draw and think. There is a possible list of ways but which would insure we get it. We could say we need to do repairs, we could inquire about the historical side of the building that could work.

"Care to share what you are thinking about in the beauty of your mind." Krin's sly smile crawls on his tan skin.

I feel the heat run up to my cheeks."We could ask to see if the building falls into the historical building and say he could earn some money to boost the building to its original infrastructure." I say looking at the Bomb for assurance I am not sure why.

The walls of the haven shake as the afternoon horses travel to pick up their owners from lunch. The bricks leave dusty particles travelling through the air. I began to cough through it. Everyone else simply lifts a mask to their face in different forms, most notably the bomb who pulls a part of her outfit up trying behind her face. Built in for stealth, and breathing through the dusty air caused by the lunch rush.

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