Chapter 2

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Kingdom of Tareeya Lacey

The air breezes on my face as my elegant stallion powers through the high meadows as we arrived in silence. All different arrays of colours: red rose, purple tulips, yellow daisies and the large oak tree standing like a watcher over the innocent meadow. that sheltered the unwanted. invaluable.

The oak tree had been my safeplace: a place where no one could disturb me. My uncle had first taken me here after my fathers passing. He takes me there when I need a place to think away from the monsters at court. When we need to talk. when I need to talk with out interruption.

A breathtaking meadow unfolds like a living tapestry, but beneath the surface beauty, an undertone of tension lurks, adding a mysterious layer to the scene. Each step through the soft grass feels like a journey across a canvas painted by both the serene and the unknown. Wildflowers sway in harmonious choreography with the gentle zephyrs, but there's an almost imperceptible restlessness in their dance, as if nature itself holds its breath.

The air, sweetened by the perfume of blossoms, carries whispers of an unseen drama. Splashes of pink from blushing roses, the azure of forget-me-nots, golden daisies, and regal purples of lavender create a vibrant mosaic that captivates the eyes, yet there's an unspoken tension that adds a layer of complexity to the seemingly tranquil setting.

"So how have you been?" Lowel asks me while i am ahead of him.

My uncle's hoarse voice breaks the peaceful silence. I knew this conversation was coming. I wanted to start it to take the narrative. I thought I was ready for this conversation. I'm not. I am too emotional, I want to scream and lose all my composure but I cannot. I take a deep breath. I cannot be seen as less.

"Well, no I haven't been actually. You mustn't be serious about me marrying." I speak gracefully, letting the wind carry my words.

The sentinel tree stands tall, a silent witness to both the beauty and the tension that weaves through the landscape. Its bark, etched with the stories of seasons past, seems to hold the weight of the unspoken. As I stand amidst this living tapestry, the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant hum of bees create a serene soundtrack, yet there's an underlying suspense that heightens my senses. The meadow, with its burst of colours and the ever towering tree in the centre, becomes a sanctuary where the line between tranquillity and mystery blurs,

He doesn't reply to my question, anger bubbling up me. I try to let is cool while I walk around the ancient tree, gaze up and recheck one of the lowered branches. Looking at countless ribbons I tied in my last visit. A tradition of ours. for every trip we made here. The tree was as big a mess of colour as the meadow.

The meadow, bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, stretched out before me like a canvas painted with nature's most vibrant hues. Wildflowers swayed gently in the breeze, their petals a kaleidoscope of colours that mirrored the richness of the kingdom I was destined to inherit. The sentinel tree at the centre stood tall, a stoic guardian overseeing the tapestry of life that unfolded beneath its branches. 

"Uncle Lowell, you cannot be serious! To rule, I must marry? Is that what i am to you?" My voice now louder, once carried by the wind like a gentle melody, now resonated with an undercurrent of frustration and disbelief. The wildflowers, once dancing in harmonious celebration, now seemed to wither beneath the weight of my discontent.

Lowell, met my gaze with unwavering resolve. "Lacey, by the laws that govern this kingdom, a queen must have a king by her side. It is not a matter of whims or desires of a little girl; it is the bedrock of our governance. The stability of the realm demands it."

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