chapter 48

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Kingdom of Tareeya Lacey

The night is thick with shadows as I follow the advisor's plan, slipping through the castle's darkened corridors. The loyal guards move silently, their eyes alert for any sign of trouble. We navigate through secret passages and hidden doorways, the stone walls closing in around us like a living maze.

Finally, we reached my chambers. The guards nod, and I push the door open cautiously, slipping inside. The familiar surroundings are a stark contrast to the cell I've left behind. My heart pounds as I look around, scanning the room for any sign of Beth. She is sitting by the window, mending a garment by the faint light of a candle.

For a moment, anger and betrayal surge within me, but I push them down. Confronting her now would only alert Lowel, and I need to play this carefully. I take a deep breath, schooling my features into an expression of exhaustion and relief.

"Beth," I call softly.

She looks up, her eyes widening in surprise and then quickly filling with what seems to be genuine concern. "My lady! You're safe! I was so worried."

I walk over to her, keeping my voice steady. "It's been a long night, Beth. I managed to escape, but I need your help."

She nods eagerly. "Of course, anything you need."

"I need you to fetch me a horse," I say, watching her closely. "I must leave the castle at once. There's something I must do to secure my position and ensure the kingdom's safety."

Her face pales slightly, but she recovers quickly. "A horse? Now? It's dangerous outside the castle at night."

I force a tired smile. "I know, but it's a risk I have to take. Please, Beth. You've always been loyal to me."

She nods again, standing. "I'll get you a horse. Wait here, my lady."

As she leaves the room, I watch her go, my suspicions confirmed. As she takes a left. She's going to inform Lowel. It's painful to accept, but necessary. Once she's out of sight, I move quickly, gathering a few essential items and donning a cloak.

The advisor had anticipated this, and we have a plan in place. Instead of heading to the stables, I slip out through a hidden passage behind a tapestry, leading to a different part of the castle grounds. The loyal guards are waiting with a horse, as arranged.

"Beth will alert Lowel," I whisper to the advisor, who stands by the horse. "We need to move quickly."

He nods. "We have a small window of time before they realise you're gone. Head to the old watchtower in the forest. You'll be safe there until we can gather more support."

I mount the horse, adrenaline pumping through my veins. "Thank you. I'll see you soon."

With a final nod, I urge the horse into a gallop, racing through the castle grounds and into the night. The wind whips around me, but my focus is sharp. The betrayal stings, but it has also clarified my path. I will gather my allies, expose Lowel's treachery, and reclaim my throne.

The forest looms ahead, dark and foreboding, but within its depths lies the old watchtower, a place of refuge and planning. I urge the horse onward, determination burning bright within me. This is just the beginning of my fight to restore justice to the kingdom.

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