Love making

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We went to my bedroom...I laid that rockin sexy body down. I took an ice cube and ran it across her body. I could tell she was aroused. I took an  ice cube and ran it across her nipples. After I was done with the ice I put it back and used my tongue all over her body.

I then stood up and took of my pants. I'm hung like a fuckin horse. 12' long and about 3  1/2 fingers wide. I been known to put bitches in the hospital because I'm so big. When Jazmin saw it I could see fear, but I can see satisfaction in her eyes. "C'mere papi" she says in her Spanish accent.

I have never wanted to make love to a girl until now. I slowly got on top of her. She was so wet their was no need for lube. As slow as humanly possible I stuck just the tip of my dick inside her. I really didn't want to hurt her and I was scared I just might. She gasped and I looked at her worriedly.

"I'm OK" she assured me "you sure?" I ask. She ever so softly stroked my cheek. I carefully eased my dick inside her. She gasped and moaned some more. I felt her fingers dig into my back, her breathing was faster and I noticed her eyes were closed and she was biting down on her lip.

"August" she says softly. She opened her eyes and we looked at each other as we made love. It felt so right to be here with her making love to her, touching her and kissing all over her body. She made beautiful noises with her mouth, she made the perfect facial expressions.

She came over 10 times the bed was soaked because she continued to squirt. At one point we were so loud. The feeling was the best feeling in the world. I have never felt like this before. After we were done we even cuddled together until we fell asleep.

Later that night we both got up. I made us dinner and then she left. After she left I really had to think about things. This was all new to me. I never made love to any girl before. I always fuck a girl and tell them to be on there way...

*What did you guys think of the first chapter? Was it juicy enough? Sorry it's short! More good things coming!! Tell me what you think in the comments!*

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now