Chapter 18

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We get to the restaurant and we are seated. At first we don't talk until after we order our food. "Soo, we really need to talk" I says "yeah I know" August says. "I really feel like we been fighting a lot lately" I says.

"Yeah I know and that's because you don't know how to fuckin trust me" August says rudely "that's not it at all, its Nikki I don't trust. I swear that bitch be dressing that way on purpose that's not cool" I says. August rolled his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me you were doing a music video with her?" I ask "cause I know you would have flipped out" he says. "I just feel like your not completely honest with everything you do or maybe not telling me the whole truth which is still the same thing" I says.

"Well maybe if you didn't get mad all the time I would" he says. "This isn't going anywhere" I says "of course it's not because we don't agree" "I'm not talking about this argument... I'm talking about our marriage" I says.

"What are you saying?" August says "I'm saying that maybe we should split up or something" I says "no not happening we need to work this out. You told me that no matter what we go through you would be by my side" he says. I knew he was right, I do remember saying that, but everything is just so hard.

"Ok well things need to change or we could eventually be getting a divorce" I said. Finally our food comes and we eat quietly. "After this video is done I won't see Nikki anymore" August says. That was a shock, but it made me smile. After we ate we went for ice cream and then went home and went straight to bed. For the next few months everything was perfect.

I'm on my Facebook when all of a sudden I see a link about August and Nikki. I annoyingly clicked on it. What I found made me sick to my stomach. I called my best friend over and had her read it "you need to call your husband and talk to him about it" he says. I immediately called him and told him to come home immediately.

When he came home he rushed through the doors "what's wrong?" He asks "what's this about?" I says showing him the link. It was an article about August having an affair with Nikki "baby its not true" he says. I look at him with teary eyes. "Prove it" I says .

"The people that wrote this are people who like to gossip and write lies, that isn't true at all. Someone already sued them for putting lies about them on the internet, if you don't believe me then just look it up" he says. I looked it up and realized he was talking the truth. "Ok your right...I believe you" I says.

"If I ever thought I would cheat on you I would never have married you, don't you understand that you changed me in a good way? You turned me into something better, you showed me something better then the life I was living" he says. That really made me feel good "I'm sorry, it just sometimes I wonder" I says "you shouldn't have to wonder you should just automatically believe me" he says.

"Your right I'm sorry" I says giving him a kiss. For the next couple months things started getting much better like it was before. We even started having friends over to have dinner parties. I started trusting him again.

Having 3 kids and being married to August is the best thing that's ever happened to me! One night the kids would not go to bed. They started screaming and crying "we aren't having anymore kids" "I'm pregnant" I says.

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now