Chapter 17

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By the time we got home the kids was already in bed, it was already late so we called it a night and went to bed. When we woke up we both went to the kids rooms and got them up. They were so happy to see us. We all shared a special moment and all went downstairs.

The aroma of my mother's famous omelets hits my nose "mmm that smells so good mom" I says. She turned around and was surprised to see us "when did you get home?" She asked excitedly "late late last night" I says. We all exchanged hugs and kisses and then eat our breakfast.

"We're the kids good for you?" August asks mom "oh they were fantastic" she says smiling. We did lots of fun things together, did you guys have yourselves a good time?" My mother asks. We both look at each other and remember the special intimate night we had "yeah we had a blast, it was nice to get away and think about things" I says.

"That's good" she says "that's why August and I have been talking and I'm really thinking about going into modeling" I says excitedly. My mother didn't seem too happy about that "why do you always have to be in the spot light, why can't you just be a stay at home mom and do your duties at home and let him do the working, that's the way it's supposed to be, you take care of the kids and the house and he brings home the bacon."

I looked at August and he just shook his head "I thought you would have been happy for me I just want to do something I love outside of being a mother" I says. My mother ignored me and finished her food. After the kids finished eating August made them go to there room and play "so why is it so hard for you to except the fact that I want to do something with my life, is it because you never did so your jealous?" I ask.

"No, that's not it, I just feel like your not doing your motherly or wife duties like your supposed to" my mother says. "Wish woah woah wife does exactly what she is supposed to when it comes to being a mother and when it comes to her wife duties, now if you want to be disrespectful to my wife in our home you can leave" he says walking away.

My mother looked embarrassed and then quickly walked away and packed her things. I went to check on the kids and then went to our bedroom where August was in the bathroom taking a shower. "Babe don't you think you was being a little mean, that's my mother" I says. He didn't say anything so I waited. After about 5 minutes he finally got out. "No I don't think I was mean at all, that is something she really needed to hear I'm sick of her being that way with you. This is my house and I'm not gonna have a being disrespectful, and if you can't understand that then I'm sorry" he says. "No, I understand baby" I says giving him a kiss.

Finally he got dressed "where you headed?" I says "my manager wants to see me at the studio, I should only be gone for an hour if it's longer I promise I'll call you OK baby" he says "OK" I says. He gave me a very romantic kiss and then went to say bye to the kids and then left.

We were running low on food so I took the kids with me to do some shopping and then came home and cleaned and organized everything. August never called so I thought I would take kids for some ice cream and see how things were going at the studio.

"You guys eat your ice cream and don't get out of the car" I says before getting out and locking the car. I go to the room he's in. I instantly see Nicki Minaj and August singing. Of course she was wearing something that almost left her completely naked. I walked in and slammed the door.

August's manager looks at me and smiles "hey" he says "hey"I says still looking at August and Nicki. " I need to talk to August" I says almost rudely. "August your wife needs to speak with you" he says looking at him and then at me. I could see August's facial expression. Scared, nervous, and then angry. Everyone walked out to give us some privacy, they knew something was going on which lead me to believe that he's been telling our personal business.

"Soo what's going on here?" I ask. He rolled his eyes at me. I fold my arms and glare at him "we was just working on a song OK, don't come in here jealous and acting like a bitch OK, you can take that shit outside" August says.

You always expect me to listen to you and do what you ask, but when I want you to do something I ask you don't want to listen to me that's not right. "Look I am not about to fight with you we can talk about this later OK, you just take yo ass home" he says. "Your a fucking asshole, you feel like you can just going around and do whatever you want... Well it doesn't work that way OK" I says. He doesn't say anything.

"Well since you ain't got shit to say then when you come home don't say shit to me, you do you and imma do me" I says. I walked out and left him standing there. For the next month we really didn't say much to one another. He kept to himself and so did I. I started hitting the gym more often to get my body back.

That's where I met my friend Silver...yes thats her really name! I really liked her from the beginning because she liked me for me and not because I was rich and famous and married to August Alsina. She instantly became my bestfriend. She came over a lot to see me and the kids. "Girl this video is hot" she says walking in the door. She always just walks in, that's how close we are.

"What video?" I ask. It's a video of August in his new video "No Love"..Nicki is in it. " she gets on my damn nerves" I says. I ended up telling her the story about Nicki.

"Damn girl, do you think something is going on between them?" I looked at her and cried, "sometimes I want to get a divorce, but only because I would rather see him happy then being miserable with me" I says. "Okay how about this you guys go to dinner tonight and talk about this and I will watch the kids" she says "really?" I ask.

"Of course" she says. I then called August and told him and he agreed. For some reason I was so nervous. But when it came time to get ready I got ready and then we left and went to a quiet restaurant.

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now