Chapter 7

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A few days later in the early morning I went to KFC. I was craving chicken. I sat down in a booth and waited until they were done with my order. Finally I got up when they called my number and sat back down to eat.

"Jazmin?" A voice calls. I look up and see August standing before me. His eyes are blood shot red. I look down and finished eating my food.

"Please come home and talk to me" he says. I sighed but eventually got up. He ended up getting in my car " to high to drive" he says. " just because things are going on doesn't mean you should go get high I hope you know oneeour baby comes that shit is gonna have to stop and if you really want this to work out we really have to talk" I says.

When we get home August passes out in his bed and I go to clean up. This place is a mess. He's been a mess ever since I left. A few hours later he finally woke up "I'm sorry, about everything" he says.

We went and sat on the couch to talk. "Why did you get so angry with me?" I started "because I was angry because we lost a baby and I felt it was your fault... The doctor did say that baby number 2 was gonna be miscarried" he says. "I'm really sorry I wasn't thinking about the baby I was just trying to do something romantic" I says.

"For now on instead of getting so angry you need to talk to me. If you really want things to work out then you can't be getting so angry with me avd then shutting me out, because that will make things not so good between us" I says. August just sat there very focused and listening which I really liked "your right and I'm sorry" he says giving me a kiss "we good papi?" I says in my Spanish accent" "yeah we good lil mamsla" he says giving me another kiss.

2 months later:

My doctor finally took me off bedrest because our baby was doing fine which I was so happy about because I was sick of being stuck in the house 24/7. August and I got to do more things together. I already had a small round belly which I was quite confused about because I was only having one baby.

The only thing I really craved was fried chicken... But everytime August made it I would either throw up at the smell or eat it and then throw up. August finally got fed up with it and told me no more chicken. We fought any it for a whole 2 hours then when I finally realized I want gonna win I agreed, cried then went to bed.

He didn't like seeing me in pain and throwing up. Later on I understood, but at the time my pregnancy hormones got in the way. We been fighting a lot lately because of my pregnancy hormones. One minute I was a bitch and the next I was a whiny crybaby. Their way no in between.

August soon realized that the only way to stop the fights and arguments was by immediately admitting I was right. Or he'd let me have my way. We spent a lot of time at the beach. He loved seeing me in a bikini with my little round belly showing. He posted a picture of me on twitter and Facebook.

We fought about that because I was insecure, but he had a point. He thought I was beautiful and he wanted everyone to know he was my man and it don't matter what others feel about it or think about it. After calming down I ended up agreeing with him because he did have a point.

After about a week people kept sending hateful messages and emails to me. They are jealous because I was with August and they thought he could do so much better. Finally August couldn't take seeing me cry and hurt so he posted on both accounts that if anyone says anything negative at all then they will be blocked, after that it all stopped.

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now