Chapter 16

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I stood at the door and rang the doorbell. My mother answered it and was surprised to see me with 3 kids and a man. We walked in and I said "this is my husband August Alsina, this is Quincy and Unique, they are twins and this is our daughter MiMi" surprisingly she was happy and gave everyone hugs. She had made lunch for everyone and we went in the back to eat it and catch up.

I told her everything that happened and she expressed how happy she was "you know your father makes so much money being a doctor and then sometimes he drives trucks so I don't have to work anymore. He did it so I could have more time for myself and do the things that I like so I was wondering if everyday I could have the kids for how ever long?" "That'll be perfect" I says. Finally we left because the kids were getting fussy.

"I wish you would have talked to me about it first before telling her she could watch the kids everyday" "wow really" I says angrily "yes this is the shit that I'm talking about you always make decisions without me, I'm the man so I should be the one making the decisions for the family I should be the one to have the last say" when we got home I put the kids to bed.

"Look all I'm saying is let me make the decisions OK? We can do it together but I have the last say" "OK" I mutter. He gave me a kiss and went to his studio. Today I started deciding to go to the gym. I spent an hour there and after I left I felt good. I went home and took a shower.

Later that night I made dinner for the family. It was very quiet. "I'm sorry about earlier" I muttered "its OK" I just want you to include me in things like we are a family" "OK" I says. After cleaning up I went to bed.

A few days later I went to check on MiMi, because she wasn't feeling good. I screamed for August to come here. MiMi's mother was sitting there brushing her hair. August came running in and when he saw her he got angry "I'm calling the cops" I says. As I called the cops I heard a shout and then MiMi starts crying.

"Put the knife down" August yells. Then I hear a painful scream and then a loud crashing noise. The police arrived minutes later. I ran upstairs and they followed me. August was on the floor bleeding and MiMi was on the floor not moving and her mother was bleeding and not moving. "Get an ambulance I yelled. I immediately called my mother and told her to meet me over here. She was here in 2 seconds I had her watch the twins so I could follow them to the hospital.

August had passed out from loss of blood, but he was finally conscious. MiMi passed out from the same thing. Unfortunately her mother didn't make it. After august woke up the police told him to tell them what happened " my wife talked for me to come upstairs my daughters mom was brushing her hair and my wife said she was gonna call the cops while she was down stairs her mother pulled out a knife and held it at my daughter's throat I told her to put it down but she wouldn't so I launched at her and she stabbed MiMi and stabbed me and then I threw her across the room before I passed out"

I was so happy that they were ok" her mother died from a severe head injury. After things got settled we were able to go home. August and MiMi were fine. We arranged a funeral for her and afterwards everyone came back to our house and ate.

We were in the newspaper and the paparazzi showed up at the house several times. Finally we had to call the police "THEY NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" August yelled one day. It scared me so I called the cops and told him to calm down and go rest. For the next few days August and I really didn't talk.

There was so much tension in the home "why don't you and I get away for a little bit, I'm sure my mom won't mind taking the kids" I says "where too" he says grumpily "anywhere you want to go" I says "I really just wanna chill in the beach somewhere" he says. "If I can make it happen will you go?" I ask "yes" he says giving me a kiss.

We finally decided to go to Hawaii. We stayed in a cute little cabin on the beach. It was absolutely beautiful. I could tell it was really helping August. We did a lot of swimming and hiking, we also explored different parts of Hawaii. We even stayed inside a little and had a movie day "baby thank you for this" he says.

"Your welcome" I says "so what are you gonna do when we get back?" I ask "well I been working on some songs that I been writing" he says. "Well I hope I'll be able to hear it" I says smiling "of course baby" he says.

We went back to cuddling and watching the movie. I made salad and chicken parmesan for dinner, and then after cleaning up we took a little swim. "Wow you look beautiful" he says. He then started taking pictures of me "have you ever thought of modeling?" He asks "yes, but I think I'm too thick" I says frowning.

"No your not you have the perfect everything to be a model, I really think you should look into it at least" he says. "Ok I'll do it as soon as we get home" I says smiling. Finally we got in the water "c'mere" he says. He grabbed my waist "I love you baby, and I am so happy and blessed that you are in my life. I couldn't ask for a better wife, your their for me when times get rough and your there with me through all the good times" he says giving me a kiss"

I look into his eyes "I love you daddy, I'm so happy and blessed that your in my life too, I never imagined I would be here with August Alsina, but I really can't believe I'm married to him, I hope you know that I love you for you, not because your August Alsina" I says "I know babygirl" he says. We then started kissing and his hand drifted down my back to my ass, and he firmly grabbed it and I could immediately feel his dick get hard and touch my leg.

He helped me take of my swim suit and then he took off his. As we stood up in the water which was about waist deep we both looked up at the beautiful moon and stars and then we looked at each other in the eyes and then he picked me up and wrapped my legs around him and he slowly and carefully entered his dick inside me.

We had never made love at the beach let alone in the water before, but it was so romantic. He loved it when I pulled his hair and scratched his back. He especially loved it when I called him daddy and cried out or moaned. Sex with him was never just sex, we made love, it was absolutely beautiful, we definitely had this connection. "DADDY, DADDY, DADDY" I kept yelling. My eyes was rolling in the back of my head.

I then buried my head into his shoulder. He then started walking out of the water and inside. He sat me on the counter and started kissing my neck and fucking me so good. I started to cry, it felt so good I didn't know if I could take it much longer. "Who's your daddy?" He kept yelling "you are" I cried.

He then took me to the bedroom. I never wanted to let him go, I wanted him to stay in my arms forever. "Daddy I love you so much" I says. He looked at me and wipes my tears "I love you too babygirl" after we came. I laid on top of him and he rubbed my back.

"Are you ok?" August asks me "yes, I'm just really happy" I says wiping my eyes. Finally we both fell asleep in one another's arms. In the morning August brought me breakfast in bed. Eggs, bacon, sausage and French toast. "Wow baby, thank you so much" I says yawning and sitting up.

I ate the breakfast and went back to sleep. August laid with me. We stayed in bed all day and cuddled and slept, sometimes even watching a little TV. "Even though I had the best time with you I really wanna be home with the kids I miss them like crazy" August says "I know daddy I do too" I says. "We could go back early If you want" I says smiling. "Well I do for the kids, but also so I can get back in the studio and I really want you to meet someone" he says "who?" I ask.

"Well this agent I kno, she works at this modeling agency and I really want you to meet her, is that OK?" "Yes baby we can do that when do you wanna head back home?" I ask "let's spend one more day here" he says kissing me. "Out of all the little vacations you and I have had together which was your favorite?" He asks me "this one was far the best" I says "why?" "I was just curious" he says.

On the day we were leaving I was in the kitchen making breakfast before we left. "I bought it!" August came in yelling "bought what?" I says confused "I bought this" he says smiling and looking around. "You bought this cabin?" He asks "yes but I bought this island" he says "baby why didnt you talk to me about this before you mad this decision, I thought we were supposed to make decisions together as a family " I know baby, I just wanted to surprise you. He handed me the key "I bought this place for you" he says. I knew I couldn't be mad so I smiled and jumped into his arms "your the best husband in the world" I says giving him a kiss. We ate breakfast and then headed home, we were so excited to get him to the kids and spend time with them.

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now