Chapter 10

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7 1/2 Months pregnant
I'm laying on the couch watching TV. August and his friends are in the studio he built in the basement. He built one inside the house so he can keep an eye on me. I liked the the time...

Its a big sized studio so he always be having little parties down there and they be so damn loud. Once again I go down there and I bang on the door, everyone is so loud so they can't heat me so u open up the door.

The room is filled with smoke, I can smell cigarette smoke and weed. When they saw my facial expression they calmed down. I tried to hold it in but I couldn't anymore. "ERBODY GET THE FUCK OUT" I yell. August puffs on his joint and starts laughing, eveyon does the same.

I walk over to him and snatch the blunt out his hand. "You think this is cute?" I says "this ain't cutr, this is called being stupid, y'all all are better then this, all y'all do is party, drink and get high, that's not a life to live at all, August you know damn well you shouldn't be doing this and I know you know that you ain't doing this when our son gets here. Y'all wrap this shit up and get the fuck.out my house" they just sit there not knowing what to do "NOW" I yell. They quickly scurry and run out the house.

After everyone left August went and took a shower to sober up. Finally he gets out wrapped in a towel. I'm sitting on the couch with my arms crossed with an angry look on my face. August looks ashamed "I'm so sorry" he says. I just glare at him.

"Baby please don't be mad at me" he says sitting next to me" "you know better" I shout "all this partying and shit needs to stop" I says "yes I completely agree with you I do know better and I shouldn't have done what I did baby it'll never happen again" he says.

For the next week all we did was fight. Finally August got fed up with it "THIS SHIT HAS TO STOP JAZMIN" he yells "YOU NEED TO GET OVER WHAT HAPPENED AND NOT HOLD A DAMN GRUDGE...THIS FIGHTING SHIT IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU AND ITS NOT GONNA BE GOOD WHEN OUR SON GETS HERE DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME" I just nod "I said do you understand me " yes" I says.

"I'm sorry" he says "Im sorry too" I says we kiss each other and then make up. We finally got everything that or son needed now all re needed to do was come up with a name "baby" "yes I know we need to think of a name" be says taking the words right out of my mouth. I smile and he smiles back.

"Baby I've always liked the name Quincy" I says "Quincy August" I says. "I love it!" He says which made me very happy. Later that night August looked at me " what?" I says nervously "babe, you know I love you right?" He says "yes I know and I love you to silly" I says playfully.

"No I'm serious" he says. I stop smiling and look at him "what's wrong?" I ask "he nervously walked up to me and presented me with the most beautiful big diamond ring. " Jazmin....will you marry me?" He asks nervously. I really wasn't expecting this anytime soon "YES!" I says kissing him and crying happy tears.

He put the ring on me and said I was just thinking that we could get married before the baby comes, it dienst have to be anything big...its whatever you want" he says.

I was so happy. We just held one another. "Ok I think we should go to Vegas and get married, what if I waited till my next appointment and see if my doctor is OK with that, in just don't want to have the baby and not have her to deliver him" "I think that's a good idea" August says.

After seeing my doctor a few weeks later she checked me out and thought that it would be best that I did it now. I still told her how I was concerned. How my body has been acting like I'm pregnant with twins. She thought maybe it was because that's what I was hoping for, she thought maybe I should talk to a therapist or maybe my soon to be husband.

That Thursday we got everything ready and drove to Vegas. We got there on Friday evening. We checked into our hotel which had a beautiful pool so I took a little swim. August didn't agree and got angry when I insisted on going for a swim "babe please, this is supposed to be a special time with us please don't ruin it" I says. He sighed and said ok.

After our swim we went to a nice restaurant. Afterwards we went back to the hotel and just had a relaxing rest of the night. The next morning we woke up early went to breakfast and then went to a beautiful wedding chapel in las Vegas. I got me a beautiful maternity gown and August got a tuxedo.

After we got married I realized this is forever...for all eternity and that's exactly how I want it. On Sunday morning we drove back I was so exhausted. I couldn't sleep in the car because I was so uncomfortable, I was having very painful lower back ache and I was having quite painful contractions. Then all of a sudden there was a gush of water coming out between my legs.

"OH MY GOD AUGUST" I yell. He looked over and noticed. He didn't even have to ask he drove at top speed. Finally we got there and he helped me inside. I was so scared I didn't know what was going on then when we were in the emergency room I started gushing out blood. They immediately ran me to a room. There was no time. They rushed me to a room and checked me. I was in much pain and already dialated to a 10 our son was already head down.

I pushes with no medicine. They didn't have time to give me anything so I pushed him a natural. I pushed for 2 hours. Finally he came out. He was absolutely beautiful. He weighted 7 pounds 8 ounces. And was 21 inches long. I still had to push "I have to push" I says "push, its just the amniotic sac" my doctor says. But surprisingly that is not what came out...

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now