Chapter 2

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Jazmin's POV:

I'm in the bathroom sicker then a dog. I feel like I got hit by a bus. After throwing up I went to lay back down. " la cena está lista" (dinner is ready) my mother says in Spanish "I don't feel good I'm tired and I just wanna go to bed" I says to my mother. She looks at me worried but walks out.

About 2 that morning I was in the bathroom throwing up again. My younger sister Mia comes in "your pregnant aren't you. To be honest I haven't even thought about it. I gave her a scared look. Afterwards I went downstairs and found my sister eating a snack in the kitchen.

" what do I do?" I said worriedly. Even tho she's my younger sister I go to her for everything. "Well you need to get a pregnancy test" Mia says. "And what if I'm pregnant, you know mama will kill me" I says. Our mother is very religious. She is against sex before marriage, she is also against marrying or dating outside your race.

"If it just so happens that your pregnant you need to tell mom" she says. Later that same day my sister got up and went to the store to get me a pregnancy test. When she got home she gave it to me and I just looked at it. "What now?" I whisper. She opened it up and showed me "pee on the stick" she says with a Spanish accent.

I nod my head and go to the bathroom. I take a deep breath...then all of a sudden I felt the need to throw up. Afterwards I peed on the stick. I waited 5 minutes, but it felt like a damn life time. Finally I peeked at it and the word "PREGNANT" stared up at me.

I instantly started crying. I didn't know what to do. I had a growing human inside of me. My sister heard me in the bathroom and came in "who's baby is it?" She says "the one and only...August Alsina..." I says crying harder. He's gonna hate me, he's gonna want me to get an abortion.. I just know it.

"Get dressed we going to talk to him" my sister says. I reluctantly agreed and got dressed. Afterwards I gave her the address and we were off. Finally we pulled up to his beautiful white mansion "stay here...I need to do this by myself" I says getting out of the car.

I went and knocked on the door. A beautiful older lady answered the door dressed as a maid. "Is August here?" I says with a shaky voice "and you are...?" The lady asked "Jazmin" I says "what a beautiful name for a very beautiful girl" she says with a smile. She let me in and I stood there.

She went to go get August. When August saw me he was definitely surprised to see me. "What you doing here?" He says kissing me on the cheek which definitely surprised me. "I've missed you" he says resting his hands on my lower back "we need to talk" I says sitting on his beautiful couch.

I didn't know what to say... Or how to even start. My heart was beating out of my chest. I didn't know what he would say or do. Maybe he would disown his baby and just tell me to fuck off. Maybe he would even hate me forever... I took a deep breath...

"I'm pregnant"...

(Hey guys check out my new book called 16 and pregnant (Sasha's story) also check out my book called because I love him about an abusive relationship and also in remaking my book called mask that I did years ago and deleting it, if your new its about this teen whose parents abuse him and he gets bullied at school, he turns to drugs and self harm for an escape, when his life finally gets out of control a girl named Angel rescues him and helps him get on the right path....but its not easy! So please stay tuned and comment like and follow for more updates!)

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now