Chapter 3

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August POV:

My heart completely stopped when Jazmin told me that she was pregnant. I was not expecting this. Im gonna be a father. I'm glad I sat down next to her because if not I would have fallen over.

I look at Jazmin. Her eyes are filled with tears. She looks so scared. "What do I do?" She breaks down. I bring her to me and hold her as tight as I can. I thought about my music career.

I knew everything would be different if we kept this baby. Abortion wasn't an option. I wanted this baby and I wanted jazmin. I didn't want to tell Jazmin what I was thinking until I knew what she wanted.

"What do you want to do?" I asked her. She looks at me and I wipe her tears away. "I want to keep this baby" she says. "I want to keep this baby too. I want to be with you forever. I want us to take care of our baby as a family" I says. She looks at me surprisingly like she wasn't expecting that.

"I haven't talked to my mom yet" Jazmin says. I stood up and held her hand. She took my hand and we got in my car and followed her sister back to their house. Jazmin filled me in on her mother. Her mother was just getting ready to leave when we pulled up.

She was dressed in scrubs. She must be a nurse or a doctor. Jazmin got out of the car "mom we need to talk" she says. "OK let's go back in the house" her mother says. I took Jazmin's hand and we walked in the house together.
Jazmin POV:

When I told my mother that I was pregnant she started cursing in Spanish calling me all types of bitches and hoes. She told me I was stupid and very irresponsible. She told me how I was never to step foot on her property and that I wasn't apart of this family. I guess I was on my own.

We sat in August car. "What now?" I whisper wiping a tear away. "Your mother will come around she's just scared that's all" he assures me "doubt it" I mutter. "Maybe you can come live with me" August says.

"Are you sure that that's a good idea?" I ask. "We'll make it work, I think its a good idea" he says. That was very comforting. I called my sister to talk to my mom to let me get my things.

After a couple hours my mom finally let me come in to get my things. Afterwards we went back to our new home. When we got there we put all my things away and I called to make a doctors appointment.

August POV:

Later that night I made us a nice dinner. I wanted us to talk about some things. "I want you to know that just because I'm famous and shit like that doesn't mean that I am gonna be out partying all the time and in the studio all the time. You are my life now. You and the baby so I will be here all the time, I will have a studio built in here" I says.

"You don't need to do that" Jazmin says "I want to" I says. She slightly nodded her head. After dinner I showed her around. I showed her a room that would be perfect for the nursery. "Wow this is perfect" she says happily.

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now