Chapter 15

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August and I didn't talk for a few weeks. Finally August came to me "we need to talk" he says. "Yes we do" I says folding my arms. Before he could even say anything I immediately blurt out "have you and Nicki ever messed around?" He looked down and gritted his teeth, but didn't answer.

"When?" I ask. He still wouldn't tell me "you've cheated on me with her didn't you?" I says calmly. "No" he says "then what?" I says "it was a long time ago and it was an accident, we were both very drunk" he says. "We're we together?" I ask "no we hadn't even met yet" he says.

He grabbed my hand and sat me down "imma be 100 with you" he says "I used to be a player I never wanted to settle down and never really been in relationships, but then when I met you everything changed, I actually felt love for the first time, I knew I wanted to be with you forever and I couldn't be without you, I would never do anything to jeopardize that" he says. I believe him and that made me feel much better. He kissed me and looked me in my eyes "I love you and I will never do anything to hurt you, we may fight, but your my one and only I'd never hurt you" we kissed again, and then I ended up on top of him. I could feel him getting hard. He picked me up and took me upstairs.

He took me to the bathroom and turned on the water. The bathroom immediately fogged up. He slowly started taking my clothes off and then I did the same to him. He picked me up and we entered the shower.

He took my boob carefully in his mouth and started sucking on my nipple which made me moan loudly. I was so horny it hurt. He started fingering my clit. I dug my nails into his skin, he knew that it felt amazing. I looked down and saw that he was as hard as a rock and as big as ever.

I slowly started looking at his sexy body and then my eyes landed on his and at that very moment I knew our love was real and for forever. He kissed me like I was his one and only and the most important person in his life. He then lifted me up and carefully entered himself inside me. I dug my nails deeper inside his arms as I cried out and then squirted.

He held onto me tight and started fucking me. The sex always gets better and better. It was so good I started crying, which always turns him on so he started fucking me harder. I then couldn't take it because it felt so good so I asked him to stop, when I went to stand up, I almost fell. He picked me up and took me to the bed room where he laid me down and made love to me.

He then turned me around and started fucking me and pulling my hair. Finally I came and squirted everywhere. We fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning I woke up to August talking on the phone. I pretended to be asleep so I could hear what he's saying "no Nikki I'm not coming in today I wanna spend the day with my boo OK?" On the other end I heard her say "oh, we been spending so much time together I thought maybe..." "You thought maybe what?" He asks "that we were feelin each other, that's why I been spending so much time with you" she says. "Niki I'm married, I'm staying married, I'm not fucking with you or any other hoes" he says and then hangs up the phone and gets out of bed.

I felt a little at ease so I went back to sleep and a couple hours later I woke up to the smell of bacon and went downstairs. August was in the kitchen making breakfast. He came over and have me a kiss. I really didnt kiss him back so he looked at me "what's wrong now?" He asks me "I overheard your conversation with Niki" I says folding my arms.

"I'm sorry about that, but you don't have to worry about that because your my wife and I only want to be with you" he says. "I don't want you to be in the studio anymore I want you to work in your studio at home" I could see a bunch of mixed emotions on his face. Anger, sadness, anger again and then understanding. "Yeah your right, its not even worth arguing over" "I'm just worried that's all" I says. All 3 of the kids walked in and I made them plates. August worked from home and I took the kids out shopping and to the park.

Afterwards we went out to eat. I looked on my phone and saw that I had a text from my mother who I hadn't talked to in over a year *how are you I miss you* she sent. I didn't text back. When I got home I talked to August about what happened "call her and see if we can come see her and sit down and talk about everything" I didn't think it was a good idea, but I agreed "well OK" I called her and we talked for a minutes and then she told me to come over at noon, I didn't say anything about the kids or how I was married. Finally we all got ready and left

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now