Chapter 14

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"Baby I'm the father" he finally says. "Well I guess I know what we have to do now" I says. August came over to me "are you OK?" He asks "yeah, I'm fine I was just being selfish before, but I really think you should get custody" I says. "Tomorrow I'm gonna call my lawyer, and we will get this thing figured out" he says.

"How old is the baby?" "Is it a boy or girl?" I ask. Her name is Gabriella and she is 5" he says. "Our hands are gonna be full, but I kno if we both work together we can do this" I says. August agreed and then went to his studio to work on some songs. That gave me time to play with he twins, then put them to bed and then make dinner.

I made spaghetti and meatballs, one of August's favorites. We ate together, it was a very quiet time. "Baby what's going on, what you thinking about?" I ask worriedly "just about the fact that I just found out I have a daughter and we not to long ago had twins" "I kno its a lot to take on babe, if you want I can come with you" I says.

"Of course babe I want you there, I need you there I really need your support" he says "you'll always have my support" I says. August kissed me and then finished the rest of his dinner. We watched a movie and then went to bed. Early the next morning he called his lawyer and we went to see him.

We left the twins with the nanny.
When we got there we told his lawyer exactly what we wanted. We luckily was able to talk to the judge which he then scheduled another hearing with his baby moms Britney. "So how do you think it went today?" I asked "I think it went really good and I really think the judge will give me full custody of her and take away her rights and put her in a home where she can get help" he says.

A couple weeks later we went to the hearing, his baby moms was there and the daughter was there she was beautiful. She looked just like August but with beautiful long hair. The judge sentenced Brittany to a life sentence in a crazy house. She definitely needed it. Afterwards we went home and grabbed the twins and we all went out for dinner.

Gabi was very quiet. She seemed a little jittery too. When we got home I told August I would give her a bath, because she really needed it. I instantly saw fresh bruises and old bruises. "AUGUST" I yelled. He ran up stairs and before I said anything he saw it "damn, he says.

" did your mother do this?" He asks "she's not my mother" she says "she's my mother" she says point to me, "Britney has never given me a bath before" she says, we could tell by the color of the water. "We need to get a hold of the lawyer" I says. August agreed. Afterwards we put the kids to bed.

It was a long exhausting day so August and I called it a night and went to bed. The next morning I got up early and made breakfast for everyone. Afterwards the kids and I went to the park while August worked on some songs. When we got home him and Nikki was sitting on the couch laughing and talking he immediately saw my face and followed me to the kitchen.

"Really, don't start Jazzy" he says. I rolled my eyes "I told you how I felt about her, she walks around flaunting her fake boobs and ass, bitch be walking around here like her shit don't stink" I says. August looked at me in awe, like I done lost my mind. "You know what I'm not even gonna fight with you, he turned around and left, Nikki following behind him.

About 9 I put the kids to bed and then I called August livid. " where are you?" I ask "don't worry about it" He says "your with Nikki aren't you?" I ask "so what if I am" he says. I knew that meant he was. "You kno what if you wanna play this game, I'll beat you at your own game" with that I hung up.

If he wanted to be disrespectful then I'll do the same and teach him a lesson. I ate my dinner and then went to bed. August came home and went straight to bed "if you don't remove your arm I will break it" I says. "Why are you being a bitch?" He asks "shut up and go sleep on the couch" I says ", no you go sleep on the couch bitch" he says. I then pushed him off the bed with my legs.

He got up and started screaming and yelling "your gonna wake up the kids" I yell back. "Next time you do that shit I'm beating your ass, I don't give a fuck" he says grabbing a pillow and blanket, then he headed downstairs to the couch.

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now