Chapter 4

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A week later:

"Today I have my doctors coming?" Jazmin asks "of course I will be there. I told you I'm gonna be there every step of the way" I says kissing her forehead. "Will you be okay while I go to the studio for a few and then after I'll come pick you up and we'll go together" I says.

"That's fine, I'll just text you when it's time" Jazmin says giving me a kiss. " you sure your OK with me going?" I ask worriedly. "Yes that's OK with me babe I'll just sit here and watch some TV and then I'll just call or text you later" she says. " you need anything call me" I says.


Jazmin POV:

After August left I just sat and watched TV. Then I started thinking about how we met. I was at one of his concerts. I been to all his concerts, but this one was different because I went to the after party and he saw me and started talking to me. He told me how he saw me at all his concerts. Then he invited me to one of his parties...we made love them BAM! I'm here.

I didn't know how I was gonna take to him being famous and girls talking to him he's absolutely perfect so I know I'll get jealous. Finally it was time to get ready so I showered, did my hair, makeup, for dressed and called August.

It only rang once and he picked up which made me smile "I'm on my way baby" he says "are they gonna be OK with you leaving" I says "babe I don't care what they have to say about it I'm leaving and that's final" he says hanging up.

I grab what I need and meet August outside a few minutes later. He gave me a kiss when I got in the car. "How was working in the studio?" I ask " it was nice. I took some time off, so I wanted to get back in there and get all my ideas down" he says.

"Who was there?" I says a bit rudely like I was already of accusing him of doing something wrong. He noticed and cleanched his jaw and tightened his hand on the steering wheel. "Sorry I didn't mean it like that, I really didn't" I says. "Just Niki Minaj, Lil Wayne, and Drake" he says.

Niki Minaj was beautiful. I was definitely jealous. When we got to.the clinic I had to feel out paperwork and them peed in a cup then August and I was able to go in the back. When we got into one of the rooms August looked at a magazine while I changed into a gown.

We waited a few minutes and then a girl OBGYN knocked on the door and then came in. She looked quite young, she hand long thick curly hair and crystal blue eyes. She smiled at me and says "congratulations" while giving me a hug. She was very nice. "Thank you" I says with a smile.

"I'm doctor Zain" she says. We both smiled. She then sat down and asked us both questions when she asked August name she let up when he said "August Alsina" "my kids are huge fans of your music" she said.

Finally she had me lay down on the table she then made me relax and open my legs as far as they could go. Then she put lube on the end of this funny looking stick. She carefully entered it into my vagina. August held my hand the whole time.

My doctor menuvered the stick inside me. It took a minute but she finally found a heart me. My heart melted. August and I looked at each other smiling. This was just absolutely beautiful.

She showed us on the screen where the baby was. Then she squinted at the screen "OK here's baby number one... And... That's baby number 2" she says worriedly. August and I looked at each other and then at the doctor "what?" We both days together. "She showed us baby number 2 " baby number 2s heartbeat is very slow " she says.

"What's that mean?" I says although I already knew "it means that you'll end up misscarring baby number 2" she says sadly" August and I were both disappointed and very sad. We both hoped that baby number 2 would pull through. After the doctor and I talked more we finally left. August and I sat in the car not saying a word.

"You heard what the doctor said right?" He says almost rudely "yes August I heard what she said" I says. "Good, I don't want to hear any damn excuses as to why your not laying down resting" he says starting the car and then driving away. I put my fingers through his hair "August don't stress out OK, you stressing out is gonna stress me out and that is not good for the baby" I says. "Yeah your right" August says kissing my hand.

When we got home August ordered me to the couch tell me not to get up or else he would beat my ass. This sucked this pregnancy was supposed to be a happy one and I'm sitting here on bedrest. I laid on the couch watching TV with August while he rubbed my feet. Finally I dozed off...

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now