Chapter 8

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Once again I'm looking in the mirror this time I have a belly. I'm 5 months pregnant, but yet look like I'm 9 months pregnant. I'm so huge I can barley walk. August walks in to the bathroom and winks at me "I'm getting in the shower you coming?" He asks. I wrap my hands around my belly "I don't know I don't think we can fit together. I'm so damn fat and ugly"

August pulled me to him. "You are soo beautiful while pregnant I absolutely love it" he says "I take it your making me shower with you?" I ask "get your ass in" he says with a smile. I never realized how big our shower was until now. After making out a bit we finally wash up and then get out.

I go and make breakfast for the both of us. I was finally able to talk August into letting me start cooking for him and cleaning. Things to do so I'm not just sitting on my ass. August is looking at the calendar. I walk up to him "tomorrow we get to see what the baby is" he says. He wraps his arms around me "does that mean that starting tomorrow we get to start shopping for the baby?" I ask.

"Yeah I think that that is a good idea" he says. I make breakfast and then we eat together. Afterwards we went to go see a movie. I have been desperate to get out of the house and spending time with August.

"So are you excited about tomorrow?" I ask him "of course I am" "maybe tomorrow we can buy things to set up the nursery" I says excitedly "yeah maybe" he says smiling. The next morning we got up took a shower and ate breakfast. By the time we were ready it was already time to leave.

"August hurry up I don't want to be late" I says anxiously "Jazmin relax I'm driving 10 over the speed limit" he says I roll my eyes and fold my arms "don't start Jazmin" he says "Im sorry I just wanna get there already" I says. Finally we get there. I practically ran inside...only cause I reay had to pee and didn't think I would make it.

August met me by the bathrooms and then we went up the elevator together to the 5th floor. This doctors appointment is the most important. We are gonna find out the babies sex and they are gonna look at all the organs and talk about delivery. I was nervous.

When we got up there they had me pee in a cup which I surprisingly had to pee again and then I went in the room got dressed in a gown and then waited. My doctor came in and gave me a polite huge. "Soo how's everything going?" She says while looking at my file. "Well everything is OK I think..." I says unsure.

She stopped and looked at me worriedly. Then she immediately saw my belly "wow! Look at you! She says " I'm a bit worried" I says. "What's going on?" "Well I'm huge my body acts like I'm really pregnant with twins" I says "OK lay down and lets take a look" she says.

My doctor did a thorough ultrasound and confirmed at I'm only having one baby. I was so hopefully. When August saw my face he took my hand. "Well it looks like you only have one baby but your hormones is saying differently" she says "have you had any patients that have been pregnant with 1 baby but then when they deliver they end up having 2 babies?" I ask.

"Yes I've seen it happen before" she says. I started to get hopeful what if I was really having 2 babies" I looked at August who just shook his head. My hope and faith began to faulter. After they checked all the organs and everything else important the doctor looked at the both of us.

"You ready to know the sex of the baby?" She says excitedly. August and I looked at each other smiling "we are dying to know!" I blurt out. " Perfect " she says.

She did an ultrasound and tried to find the sex of the baby. The baby was laying in a weird position so she had to move the baby to see what it was. "Ok perfect here we go" she says. We both looked at each other and she looked at us and said "ITS A...."

True love: I'm pregnant with August Alsina's baby (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now