16: S t y l e

399 25 14

And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style


Liverpool N1 was now here, the two Swifts stood in the stadium. Taylor on stage doing a rehearsal, while Amerie was sat on a folding chair reading Girl In Pieces. Amerie's glasses sat on her face immersed in the book.

"Come on my little bookworm get up here and dance with me" Taylor spoke through the microphone which startled Amerie.

She was too interested in her book to dance, but she didn't want to let her Mom down. Placing her bookmark inside she stuffed her book back in her backpack and made her way over to the stage.

Taylor held her hand out for Amerie to grab so she could help pull her up to the stage.

Style came blasting on and the two Swifts began to strut and dance.

The stadium was practically empty except for a few Taylor nation members and security guards.

The two Swifts dance moves were nothing professional or rehearsed, they were just dancing around for fun.

Dancing it out as Cristina Yang in Grey's Anatomy would call it. It was a magical moment between the mother daughter duo.

They sang in funny voices and impressions, filled with giggles and laughter. Moments like these were ones to treasure and remember forever, these moments of happiness and complete joy.

"Can I go back to reading my book now" Amerie asked quietly.

"We still have a quiet a bit of time left before I have to start getting ready for the show, I thought we could have some bonding time, go shopping for new clothes we can fill in the cottage I'm renting" Taylor said.

"Oh" Amerie mumbled.

"We can always shop online and have it delivered to the cottage, I just thought you'd prefer to try on clothes to know if you like the feeling or not" Taylor said, she truly would do anything to accommodate and support Amerie.

"I'm not that picky with clothes" Amerie sighed.

"Whatever you say, but I thought we could just have some time to us. I'm busy with tour and I feel like we don't get enough bonding moments" Taylor said.

"Is they a bookstore?" Amerie asked.

"Of course you would ask that, and they probably is a bookstore if that's where you want to go, but first why don't we go to Costa" Taylor chuckled.

"Sounds good" Amerie said

⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

The two Swifts were sat inside Costa coffee sipping on their drinks and spooning mouthfuls of delicious cake.

"Have you thought about recording Shadows Lurking?" Taylor asked.

"Not really.." Amerie said.

"I could always help you with recording it and releasing it, I'm sure Jack won't mind either" Taylor replied.

"It's not even a good song.." Amerie mumbled.

"Amerie.. it's an amazing song, remember you're only 15. Your song writing is perfect for a 15 year old, if not even better" Taylor said reassuringly.

"Thank you, I just don't know about releasing it. If I do I feel like people will want more songs, a whole album or something. I don't know if I'm ready for that" Amerie confessed.

"And you don't have to listen to what others want, if you want to release more then one song you can, if you want to write an album you can and if you don't you, don't have to." Taylor said sipping her coffee.

"I know, it's just expectations" Amerie sighed.

"Mhm, oh I've been meaning to ask. Who was that girl you ran away with?" Taylor asked Amerie curiously.

"Oh that was Alice, she goes by Harper online, she was the first person I told about my autism, she kinda inspired me to open up about it, she's autistic and ADHD. She's a foster kid so she moves around a lot, she was moved to a home in Nashville" Amerie said.

"She sounds like a nice girl, maybe we can fly her out for a show" Taylor said.

"What! I think she would love that" Amerie said cheerfully.

"Great I'll see what my team can do" Taylor said pulling out her phone.

⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

Amerie was immersed in the magical world of books, the bookstore was a small one. But filled with high shelves of many varieties of books.

Her arms couldn't hold anymore, they were stacked up high in her hands.

"You've found loads, do we need them all? Will you read them?" Taylor asked.

"Eventually, and I do need them to complete my collection of Jane Austen, Alice Oseman, Elle Mcnicoll and Colleen Hoover books." Amerie said.

"Okay then." Taylor said helping Amerie carry some of the books to the counter.

Leaving the bookstore after purchasing millions of books, that Amerie was determined to read.

"We need to head back to the stadium, you can store the books backstage" Taylor said.

The two Swifts pulled up at the back door of the stadium ready to enter.

"Your outfit should be on the rack in my dressing room, you can change in there with me if you want" Taylor said to Amerie as they walked through the back door of the stadium.

Reaching the dressing room Amerie found her dress which was a pink babydoll dress. Underneath was the cowboy boots her Mom purchased from the fan made Taylor Swift store.

Taylor starting pacing around anxiously, the news she just received was not good.

"Taylor are you okay?" A crew member asked which Amerie perked her ears up at and looked over at her Mom who had her head buried in her hands.

"No, my opening act just cancelled on me last minute. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, we have 1 other opening act but it won't be enough" Taylor said while biting her finger nails.

"Hey Amerie, can't you do it?" The crew member asked.

"Err...do what?" Amerie asked pretending to be confused.

"Open for your Mother dear" The crew member said, Becky should I say. That's what was written on her name tag at least.

"No! That's a terrible idea, I'm not doing that. Are you stupid why would you suggest something like that." Amerie snapped, she didn't understand why she snapped, she never normally did.

"Okay Amerie let's calm down, deep breaths. You don't have to open for me, I'll figure something out." Taylor said in a soothing voice stroking Amerie's hair and pulling her into a hug.

Taylor wrapped Amerie into a hug soothing her and calming her down. Taylor would do anything for Amerie, even if it meant putting her fans down.

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