25: T h e o u t s i d e

297 21 5

How can I ever try to be better?
Nobody ever let's me in
And I can still see you, this ain't the best view
On the outside looking in


Amerie walked through the rainy weather of Sheffield, her Mom was checking out locations and stadiums to add to her tour.

"The arena is rather small, but the stadiums are decent sizes. Sheffield Wednesday stadium is bigger than Sheffield United" Taylor spoke to her daughter.

"Mom I've literally heard three people say 'Yous Alreyt BRUVA' they can't even say right properly" Amerie groaned.

"Amerie be nice, it's their dialect, they can't help it" Taylor told Amerie.

"Sorry" Amerie sighed.

"It's fine, just remember filter" Taylor said kissing Amerie on the forehead.

"I know" Amerie sighed.

The two blondes walked to the car that was parked on the side road.

"I was thinking we could go shopping, there's a large shopping centre called Meadowhall, we could check that out" Taylor said.

"Yeah sounds good" Amerie replied.

⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

"Oh my god! It's Taylor Swift!"



The shopping centre was packed, excited voices of kids and teenagers swarming Taylor.

Amerie was on the outside, none of the teenagers were fans of her or even acknowledged her. I guess Shadows Lurking wasn't as popular as she was told. Now Amerie believed it more that she was a bad singer and her music was crap.

Amerie stood there watching the fans get signatures from her Mom, this was a bad idea coming here. Amerie disintegrated into her own pit of self hate and insecurity, thinking about the many things people could hate about her.

"Sorry for stopping this, but I really need some privacy and some time with my daughter" Taylor spoke softly and politely to the young fans.

Taylor made her way over to her daughter and held her hand.

"Sorry about that and Amerie you could have said hi and engaged with the fans, one was trying to get your attention" Taylor sighed.

"Oh I didn't notice.." Amerie said feeling rather guilty and shameful of herself.

"It wasn't the best environment, don't worry about it" Taylor said pulling her daughter into a hug.

"Mhm" Amerie mumbled.

"I love you, you know that right?" Taylor asked Amerie walking into Hollister, a shop they had in Meadowhall it was a rare sight being an American store.

"I love you too" Amerie replied looking up at her Mom with her celestial blue eyes.

⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

The two Swifts were sat in Wetherspoons enjoying their cheese and tomato panini. Taylor sipping on her English tea, while Amerie drank her coca-cola.

"After our food and some other shops, I think we need to head back to the cottage. It's long drive, so make sure you've been to the bathroom, we can also buy some snacks for the road" Taylor said to her daughter.

"Okay" Amerie nodded.

"I do want to head to HMV, to sign some of my albums" Taylor said finishing up her tea and panini.

"Yeah that's okay" Amerie replied.

"Ams, you haven't eaten much there" Taylor said pointing to the slightly nibbled panini.

"I don't really like it" Amerie said shrugging her shoulders.

"I'll get you a snack later" Taylor said picking up her purse and coat.

Amerie follows her Mom to pay at the front counter.

After paying the two Swifts walk out of Wetherspoons holding hands stepping into the Oasis food court.

"HMV should be this way out" Taylor said looking at the map on her phone.

⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

Walking into HMV, a massive display of Taylor was set up. Workers and customers we're excited to see her.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could sign a few of my ttpd albums?" Taylor asked a worker in which they nodded shyly.

Taylor grabbed a sharpie and a few of the albums and signed away.

"Next album Ams" Taylor said working like a conveyer belt.

Something caught Amerie's eye. It was a section beside her Mom's section. Amerie Swift. It was filled with biographies of her, posters from some of her photo shoots, fashion books on how to dress like her.

"Amerie! I said next set of albums" Taylor said sharply in a strict Mom tone.

"Yeah sorry" Amerie said passing down a stack of albums.

"I'll be done soon, then we can head back to the cottage munchkin" Taylor spoke calmly.

"Yeah" Amerie sighed.

Today all Amerie felt was loneliness, she didn't feel like she was apart of this world. She felt like she was on the outside looking in.

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