29: s a f e a n d s o u n d

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I could lift you up
I could show you what you want to see
And take you where you want to be
You could be my luck
Even if the sky is falling down
I know that we'll be safe and sound


Amerie's attachment to her Mom started when she was just a young girl.

April 2014

Amerie was 6 years old, she was still getting used to New York, only moving there with her Mom back in March.

Streets of New York were loud and busy, paparazzi constantly around their Tribeca apartment.

Those crowds her demonising for the young undiagnosed autistic Amerie.
They were scary and torturing, they had to face them every day.

Nashville was peaceful, she was always with her grandparents and family. Amerie felt homesick, Nashville was where she was born, where she grew up, where her love for country music started.

Amerie held on to her Mom's hand tightly, she had her doc mcstuffins backpack secured onto her back.

Walking out the Tribeca apartment block, the rush of noises flashed towards her. Cameras and cheers constantly around her.

Amerie knew this wasn't normal, she knew she was different, she just didn't know why or how, all she knew was that she had to hide.

Her sensitive ears couldn't take it though, her hands felt sweaty and shaky. She had dropped her Mom's hand.

Amerie being rather small was swept into a crowd of paparazzi, she had lost her Mom.
Amerie was sure her Mom had left withou her.

She was too small to see over the crowds, she was so scared. She didn't even notice the group of interviewers asking her questions.

"Amerie do you need help?"

"Amerie are you lost?"

"Where's Taylor?"

"Amerie smile for the camera"

Amerie was shutdown, she was shaking. She didn't know why she felt like this, but she couldn't speak. She never really spoke much, but this time it was different. She couldn't even whisper or make a small sound, it was as if her body had completely stopped working. Amerie knew that was impossible as she would be dead, Amerie knew she was alive as she could hear screaming.

Amerie listened closer, she realised those screams were her Mom's voice.


Amerie followed those screams, her small body could fit through the gaps of the tightly huddled people.

"Amerie! Oh my gosh, you scared me. Never leave my side again"

Never leave my side again

Never leave my side again

Never leave my side again...

Those words engraved into her mind.

Present Day

Those words still engraved into her mind till this day.

Never leave my side again

They played on repeat, those words were what shaped her.

But Amerie was much older, her Mom wanted her to have much more independence, but Amerie had that longing comfort, she couldn't be away from her Mom for long amounts of time. It was one of the reasons why she ran away when she was staying in Nashville without her Mom, but it wasn't so bad as she was with her grandma.

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