24: m a d w o m a n

347 19 7

And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out
And you find something to wrap your noose around


Amerie didn't understand what she was feeling. Anger? But why? Why was she angry at her Mom?

Possibly because there was an interview for Shadows Lurking, that Amerie didn't feel like doing, but her Mom told her it was important to attend.

"Ams hurry up and find something to wear" Taylor sighed.

"Fuck off" Amerie shouted.

"Amerie what has honestly gotten into you" Taylor sighed tired of Amerie's behaviour, let's just say Amerie's attitude and filter was not the best these past few days.

"I'm sorry" Amerie said feeling guilty.

"It's fine, I'll just pick something for you" Taylor said searching through Amerie's closet and picking out a dark red velvet long sleeve mini dress and some black tights with a pair of black doc marten boots.

"Thanks" Amerie said taking the clothes from her Mom.

Amerie fully changed, hair and make up complete.

"The tights are really itchy" Amerie sighed.

"I know but it's cold outside, plus the dress looks better with tights and it's more formal" Taylor reassured the teenager.

"Formal my ass" Amerie muttered.

"Amerie Marjorie Swift! What has you in such a rude attitude today?" Taylor asked with a touch of disappointment.

"Nothing let's just go.." Amerie mumbled.

"If something is bothering you tell me no secrets remember" Taylor said hugging her daughter.

"I know" Amerie said accepting the hug

⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆

"Welcome to Capital Taylor's Version, in the studio today we have Taylor and Amerie Swift!" Jimmy the host said.

"Thank you for having us, this radio station is excellent we feel so welcomed to the UK, we always do anytime we come here" Taylor spoke up.

"Of course, so Taylor you must be extremely proud of Amerie with Shadows Lurking" Jimmy stated.

"I am, I'm so proud of my baby. She's growing up so much and she's an inspiration to many people" Taylor complimented.

"Amerie? How do you feel about the realise of Shadows Lurking" Jimmy asked the teenager.

Amerie didn't respond straight away, which earned a nudge from her Mom.

"Oh sorry, erm.. I'm not sure. My tights are really itchy.." Amerie blurted, it was the only thing on her mind right now.

"Sorry about that" Taylor said. "Amerie focus" She whispered into Amerie's ear.

Amerie nodded and tried to focus the best she could, she played with her hands to try and distract herself from the feeling of her tights. It wasn't working, the itching got worse.

She picked and clawed at the tights trying to stop them from itching, but only making it worse as she could now feel the material on her fingers.

Taylor placed her hand on Amerie's leg to stop her from scratching further, she took Amerie's hand and rubbed it gently.

"After the ad break a performance of Shadows Lurking will be sang by both Taylor and Amerie" Jimmy said starting the Ad break.

"Performance... you never said anything about that" Amerie stuttered.

"It's not in front of large amounts of people, just me. It's only the radio and will be recorded don't worry" Jimmy said while some workers set up microphones and guitars for the two Swifts.

"It's okay Ams, if you feel anxious at any moment I can take the verse" Taylor said leading Amerie into the singing studio.

"Okay, okay.. but I'm not even warmed up or prepared, what if I forget the lyrics or I mess up" Amerie mumbled.

"There's mic packs for a reason don't worry, we can warm up now" Taylor said trying to calm Amerie down.

"Okay.." Amerie said, but all that was on her mind was how her tights itched, how her doc marten shoes rubbed her feet and made them sore, how the sleeves of her dress felt itchy and tight, how the material around her neck felt scratchy.

"we're on in 3" Jimmy said and the two Swifts took their seats and guitars and prepared to play.

3 minutes passed quickly and they had the all clear sign to start performing.

Amerie sang the lyrics, her voice was shaky.

"I can't do it, my tights are itchy, I'm fucking tired" Amerie said angrily, great move swearing on a radio that children listen to.

Amerie storms out slamming the door to the studio and runs out the room everything is too much.

"Argghhhh" Amerie says kicking the wall.

"Amerie?" A familiar voice spoke.

Amerie turned around to be face to face with Olivia Rodrigo.

"Liv?" Amerie said with tears in her eyes.

"I just finished a live studio session with capital fm and heard you scream are you okay?" Olivia asked.

"No, everything itches, everything is too loud, too bright, too much and I can't concentrate or focus or keep calm, I just sweared on live radio that children listen to, I'm going to be in so much trouble" Amerie rambled.

"Hey calm down it's okay" Liv said reassuring the teenager.

"There you are Amy, hi Olivia" Taylor said rushing over to her daughter.

"I'm sorry, I'm in so much trouble aren't I, I embarrassed myself, I've ruined everything, people are going to think I'm crazy, I've made a fool of myself, and I'm so so so sorry, I'm going to get sued aren't I for swearing on a radio children listen to, gosh. I can't go to court, I'm 15, I don't even have a lawyer and it's proof evidence I did it, I keep ruining everything I a mess, this word would be so much better without me" Amerie rambled not even realising what she said.

"Don't say that... the world is an amazing place because of you. And Amerie you are in some trouble, but it's not a lot, people would understand. I will sort things, Jimmy will, Tree will don't get yourself to worried I promise it will be fine" Taylor said hugging Amerie.

"I don't want to live like this, I can't anymore, why can't I be like others?" Amerie asked.

"Oh Ams, is this what has been bothering you recently?" Taylor asked.

"I guess" Amerie sighed shrugging her shoulders.

"Come here" Taylor said bringing Amerie into a hug and kissing her forehead.

Amerie was no mad woman, she was just struggling to fit in.

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