Chapter 1

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Jennie cursed as Bambam spilt a beer down the front of her black tee.

She wasn't sure why on Earth she had agreed to party with Eunwoo and Bambam.

The two had been on at her in the years since their graduation from Hogwarts to let her hair down and live like a typical teenager and student.

The three of them flatted together at Grimmauld Place, catching the Floo to their classes each day in the city.

Bambam and Eunwoo were training as Aurors, heading into their final year. Jennie had taken a different route, deciding to study policy. Her goal was to get into the Ministry and start promoting some real change that was overdue. She was also in her final year, exceeding her Professor's expectations as per usual.

It was because they were in their final year that Jennie had finally conceded and allowed the boys to throw the massive house party they had been dreaming of ever since they left Hogwarts.

She was regretting her decision a little now.

The house was positively swarming with people. Every floor was crammed with young witches and wizards. Word had clearly spread like wildfire about the Golden Trio finally hosting a party.

"Sorry, J," Bambam apologised, grabbing a nearby dishtowel and attempting to dab up the beer on Jennie's tee. As he got a little too close to her chest, she shoved him away gently.

"Don't worry about it," Jennie groaned, rolling her eyes.

The crowd shifted and Jennie caught sight of a blonde and a redhead. She left Bambam fumbling to open a new beer and took off into the crowd.

"Lisa! Jisoo!" Jennie called out.

The two women turned around and greeted their friend.

"Jennie!" Lisa grinned widely, "It's crazy in here! Thought we were never going to find you or the boys!"

"Too crazy," Jennie groaned. She pulled at her damp, beer-smelling tee.

"Jennie, loosen up," Jisoo smiled dreamily, "We won't be young forever."

"What does 'loosening up' even look like, anyway?" Jennie frowned. Lisa giggled and elbowed Jisoo.

"A little like this," Lisa said, pulling a bottle of firewhiskey out of her handbag.

"And this," Jisoo grinned, producing some shot glasses.

"Guys," Jennie chided.

"Come on," Lisa whined, "Just this once let loose? I've been dying to have a truly wild night of drinking with you! Besides, how often do you ever have a party at your place?"

"Oh, fine then," Jennie folded, rolling her eyes as the girls cheered. She took a shot glass from Jisoo and allowed Lisa to fill it up.


Jennie groaned, her stomach churning.

She brought up the heels of her hands to her forehead, groaning.

Goddamn Lisa and Jisoo with their shots.

Goddamn Eunwoo and Bambam with their party.

She had a splitting headache and a heavy stomach. She'd never had a proper hangover before now and she already loathed it. She would not be able to study at all today.

Definitely no more parties at Grimmauld Place from here on in.

She sat up, suddenly aware that she was naked in her bed. Her muscles ached.

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