Chapter 9

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Jennie got up, rubbing her eyes. She was exhausted.

Now on top of everything else she was stressed about Roseanne not sleeping, too. It couldn’t be good for the baby.

As luck would have it, she had a check up with Roseanne that day at the Healer’s. She was going to pick Roseanne up from her flat and take her.

Inwardly, Jennie was hoping she could spend some quality time with Roseanne. She wanted to care more for Roseanne than the blonde would let her. Damn stubborn Veela.

It wasn’t just the pregnancy either. Thoughts of their one-night stand, massaging her injured thigh, and sleeping with her cuddled up next to her were swirling in her head almost constantly. She had to admit it. She liked Roseanne on some level. It was just a shame that the blonde didn’t like her back.

Jennie went downstairs, surprised to see Lisa standing in the living room tossing a Quaffle up and down.

“What are you doing here?” Jennie asked.

“Waiting for Eunwoo and Bambam so we can head down to the pitch and toss this bad boy around,” Lisa commented, throwing the Quaffle up in the air again, “Jeez, you look tired, J. Thought the lack of sleep part came after the baby was born?”

“Yeah, I am feeling pretty rundown,” Jennie admitted, “Probably the stress.”

“You know what would take your mind off it?” Lisa grinned, still tossing the Quaffle.

“I’m not going to play Quidditch with you,” Jennie replied flatly. They’d all known her for years and yet Eunwoo, Bambam and Lisa still seemed to believe that they could win her over with Quidditch. Jennie never ceased to be surprised by their persistence.

“Not that,” Lisa said, grinning further, “A date! Maybe with a certain dark-haired girl that stayed over with you not too long ago? Bambam said she owled you.”

“Godammit, Bambam!” Jennie cursed, “I swear he is such a gossip.”

“Well lucky he is!” Lisa said, catching the Quaffle and stepping forward, “Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to tell you right now that you totally need to go on a date with Amelie!”

“No,” Jennie shook her head, “I just… It isn’t the right time.”

Lisa snorted.

“It’s never the right time when it comes to your love life,” Lisa noted.

She tossed the Quaffle up in the air again and Jennie pushed it off-course, mildly irritated with the redhead.

Undeterred, Lisa dove forward, catching the Quaffle athletically before tidily rolling into a kneeling position.

Jennie had to hand it to her, Lisa was very gifted when it came to sports. Jennie often thought that Lisa should try out for one of the professional Quidditch teams.

Lisa stood up again, brushing off her bare knees with one hand and resting the Quaffle under one arm.

She was dressed for playing sports, wearing some short athletic shorts and a tank top. Her pale limbs were bare and her hair was tied up in a ponytail.

“I don’t know what’s holding you back,” Lisa commented, “She’s good looking and likes you back. At least worth a single date to see if there’s a connection there.”

“Yeah, maybe,” Jennie said non-committally.

Truth was, she was far too focused on Roseanne at the moment. She knew it was silly, but a part of her didn’t want to go on a date with another woman if there was even the slightest of chances something could happen with Roseanne.

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