Chapter 10

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Jennie was biting her lip.

She was sitting beside Roseanne in a carriage as they pulled up to the Park Mansion.

Things had moved extremely fast since their check-up with the Healer. They had stopped off for Jennie to arrange train tickets while Roseanne rang her parents to organise things in France.

They’d gone their separate ways in the late afternoon. Jennie had dinner with Eunwoo, Bambam, Lisa and Jisoo and filled them in on her plans. The group had thankfully withheld any teasing, instead expressing concerns for Roseanne, Jennie and their son.

Jennie had suffered another restless night before catching an early morning train with Roseanne. Now she was a bundle of nerves as she finally let her mind appreciate the fact that she was about to meet Roseanne's grandmother.

The butler, Paul, met them out front again. He took their bags and instructed them to walk around the outside of the house.

“The family are all enjoying a mid-afternoon drink on the lawn,” Paul explained.

Roseanne nodded and strode off, Jennie stumbling to catch up with her. Jennie was swallowing hard and paling.

Roseanne shot her a sideways look.

“She is not as scary as she seems,” Roseanne said reassuringly, although it didn’t reassure Jennie at all.

They rounded the corner and Jennie was once again struck by how much the Parks resembled something from a set of stock photos.

Charles and Evelyn were sitting on some lawn chairs, helping themselves to some gin and tonics. Beside Charles was an exceedingly handsome Hispanic looking man and another blonde woman who looked very similar to Evelyn.

On the lawn in front of them were several small platinum-blonde children playing. A woman with long blonde hair was facing away from Jennie and Roseanne, playing with the children.

Evelyn spotted them immediately and ran forward to embrace them.

“Rosie! Jennie! I am so glad you made it, I have been worried sick since your call yesterday!” Evelyn gushed, “Jennie, this is my sister and her husband—Victoire and Samuel.”

She gestured at the man and woman that were sitting next to Charles, who inclined their heads in polite but haughty way.

“Hello,” Jennie said politely, waving awkwardly at them.

“And this,” Evelyn stepped back, allowing them clear view of the woman with the children, “Is my mother, Cassandra.”

The woman stood up, straightening her back. Jennie could feel a warm heat in the air that seemed to be radiating from the woman. Her hair, on closer inspection, was even more platinum than Roseanne and Evelyn’s. It had more of a silvery quality to it.

She turned elegantly, her hair fanning out.

Jennie's jaw dropped. This was Roseanne's grandmother?!

Cassandra looked no older than twenty-one. Her face was fresh and unlined, with high cheekbones and plump pink lips. She had shimmering blue eyes that seemed to be flecked with silver. Something about her seemed inhuman, although she resembled an incredibly attractive human woman.

“Hello, dear,” Cassandra greeted. She had a strangely hypnotic way of speaking that seemed to draw Jennie in.

Jennie felt a warmth of desire, undercut by a current of danger. Distantly, she supposed that Veela were predators, which would explain the edge of danger.

“Grandmere,” Roseanne sighed, stepping forward and throwing her arms around Cassandra. Cassandra hugged her tightly.

“Rosie,” Cassandra purred, “I have missed you. I can sense the child within you. A son?”

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