Chapter 15

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Jennie caught up with Roseanne as she stepped into the living room. The blonde had frozen and suddenly doubled over, covering her mouth.

“Are you okay?” Jennie asked, concerned. Roseanne was as pale as a ghost.

“Just—“ Roseanne winced, “I’m going to be sick! The smell!”

She stumbled her way out the door.

Bambam, dishing up dinner, looked a little hurt.

“Blimey… It’s just some roast beef,” Bambam said a little defensively. Eunwoo, standing nearby, patted his red haired mate on the shoulder.

“I’m sure it was unrelated, mate,” Eunwoo reassured.

Jennie nodded.

“Pregnant women can get a little more sensitive to smell,” Jennie explained, “Sometimes the most unexpected things can make them feel sick. I’d better go help her.”

Jennie rushed out the door. She could hear the sound of retching coming from the downstairs bathroom and hurried to help the Frenchwoman.

She found Roseanne kneeling in front of a toilet, being violently ill. Jennie came and stood behind her, holding back her hair and rubbing her back.

“Non… I am disgusting,” Roseanne whimpered, before throwing up again.

“You aren’t, Roseanne,” Jennie soothed, “Just get it out of your system. Don’t worry about dinner, I’ll find something plain for you later.”

Roseanne whimpered some more, throwing up until her body was limp and weak.

“You get quite bad nausea, huh?” Jennie asked.

“Most days,” Roseanne said weakly, “Usually during the day, though. That smell just set me off.”

Roseanne got to her feet shakily, still deathly pale.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Jennie said, sweeping the blonde into her arms, bridal style.

“Jennie,” Roseanne whined weakly. But Jennie could tell she wasn’t seriously protesting.

Jennie carried Roseanne out of the room and up the stairs. Despite Roseanne being far more pregnant than the last time Jennie had carried her, Jennie found it even easier than last time. It was as if she had gained strength without even working out.

Reaching their room, Jennie deposited Roseanne on the bed.

“Merci,” Roseanne replied, “I loathe how nauseous this pregnancy makes me.”

“It is only temporary,” Jennie said. She went over to the windows and pulled the curtains for the blonde.

She slipped back downstairs, unsurprised to find the boys already tucking into their dinner.

“Roseanne okay?” Eunwoo asked, pausing. Bambam, on the other hand, kept stuffing his face, although he was watching Jennie with mild curiosity.

“She will be,” Jennie replied, “Can you just put a plate aside for me? I’ll eat later. I just want to make sure she’s okay.”

“Sure,” Bambam managed to get out from a mouth stuffed full of food.

“I’ll make sure Bambam doesn’t eat it,” Eunwoo added with a grin. Bambam shoved the raven-haired boy playfully.


Jennie left the boys to their play-fighting, pouring a glass of cool water. She headed back up to her room, taking out her wand and charming the water to be even icier. It would help with Jennie's nausea.

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