Chapter 2

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Jennie licked her ice cream. She was sitting at a small table outside Florean Fortescue's with Eunwoo and Bambam. It was 4.30pm and they were waiting with Jennie until she had to go meet Roseanne at 5.

"I hope this doesn't mean the end of parties at Grimmauld Place," Bambam sighed.

"Bambam, do you really think after this whole nightmare I would be thrilled to host another party?" Jennie asked frostily.

"Hey, it's not my fault you don't know basic sex ed," Bambam shot back.

Jennie glared across her ice cream at him.

"Easy guys," Eunwoo said diplomatically, "I'm sure it's all going to be fine."

"I don't get what you were so hung up about with parties, anyway," Bambam sulked, "They're a good time. It's what students are supposed to do."

"Students are supposed to pass their courses," Jennie replied testily, "Which I won't be doing if our house is full of drunk partygoers."

"Well, good luck passing your classes with a baby," Bambam mumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes.

Jennie slammed her ice cream down on the table, making a splattered mess. She pushed her chair back and got to her feet.

"Trust you to care more about a stupid party than supporting your friend in a time of need," Jennie hissed.

"Jennie, he didn't mean that," Eunwoo interrupted.

But Jennie was turning on her heel and storming off down Diagon Alley. She stomped all the way up the steps of Gringotts, sitting down on the top of the marble steps outside. She rested her head in her hands, trying not to dwell on the horrible few weeks she had been having.

There was so much going on in her mind. A whirlwind of panicked thoughts around the possibility of getting someone pregnant. The dread that the person that could be pregnant seemed to loathe her. That she wasn't a fan of her either. That everyone knew she had slept with a woman. That she had slept with a woman.

She hadn't allowed herself much time to dwell on that last one.

Sometimes, late at night, she would let herself think back to her hazy memories of that night. Running her hands over silky skin and a firm body. Soft kisses running down the perfect body. Her soft kisses running down that perfect body.


Jennie looked up. Bill Manoban was standing eye level to her, standing further down the steps. It appeared he had been leaving and almost walked past her until he had spotted her. He was dressed neatly in a navy suit with a forest green tie. He was looking very professional for someone that often spent work hours with his sleeves rolled up breaking curses in filthy tombs.

"Hey, Bill," Jennie said glumly.

"What's up?" Bill grinned charmingly, "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Roseanne," Jennie intoned grumpily.

Bill cocked his head to one side, looking at Jennie carefully. He suddenly burst out laughing.

"You're the one that might have knocked her up?" Bill surmised.

"She told you?" Jennie asked, cringing. This couldn't get worse.

"Well, we are best friends. She told me she had a drunk one-night stand and that she found out today the person hadn't used protection," Bill grinned, "She was too embarrassed to say who she'd slept with."

"Embarrassed?" Jennie echoed hollowly. It felt like a punch to the gut.

Bill looked apologetic.

"I mean, maybe that isn't the right word..." Bill said awkwardly, "But seriously, Jennie? How did you not know the Veela thing?"

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