xxxiv. Talk It Out

142 16 5

Be The Shit

Unblock me this instance

Lol whatever the fuck Yoongi did, don't unblock him, Minie. Shit is hilar-fucking-ious

You're going to unblock me right here, right now or I'm going to have to come over to your place and break your door down. Pick one and pick wisely.

I'm locking every knob and lock I possess, fuck off. What do want from me fuck face just leave me the fuck alone will you. There's no point arguing, can't you see?

Woah! What is happening

I'm seeing stars around my head. I think I hit my head a little hard while reading the chats. What's the beef guyz

Hoseok blocked Yoongi? Now this is new... I thought you guys finally made up and became friends again? What kind of downgrade is this

Yeah, right! So what the hockity hickity heck is happeningg


Fill us in please

Huh. You tell us Jungdork. You're the psychic here. Didn't you want to be one? Impress us then

Oh wait- hey Jungcool. What's up

Well, from the obvious looks of it, they're having a fight. Which I figured was crystal clear already so need not pointing out

And hey, Jinie cakes. What's up?

You said obvious, yet you still pointed it out. A clear dumb face fo sho I'm not the one making the rules

Amd nothing, Jungkook. Let's talk next time

Okay. If you won't, at least tell me the reason why you're doing this to me, flipping me off like that. Why the fuck are you so cross? What the fuck is it?

I fucking breathed? Is it about Jiminie? It's him, isn't it? Wtf is wrong? It couldn't be the insults. I told you I'm stopping them. I'm sorry about it, but really, you should be as well

Let's meet. I have to talk to you. You have to tell me. When and where?

The more you speak the more the growing urge to eat you cannibalistically intensifies it's scaring me

You're an animal. Tell me what I did. Or mayhaps, what you did. Why do you feel like that? Why blame me for whatever the fuck it is? Wtf is it? Why do you think I'm responsible for it? And why are you pushing me away?

I'm willing to talk it out. Just please. Tell me what your problem is with me

Unblock me right now. Jung Hoseok, listen to me. And listen to me well. I want to resolve this. Life is easier that way. If you don't want to well fuck that because you should want to. Now press the unblock button so that we can finally talk it out privately. Or I'm coming over your house. Your choice, really

Leave me the fuck alone. Fuck off, just go away

No. That's funny. Why should I? I won't leave you the fuck alone. Come face me instead, you fucking wimp. Why are you running away from me? Talk to me. Tell me something I need to know.

Bro. Let the man rest. He's been all stressed lately. Just unblock him and talk it out with him. Ez right? Ez if you're not a coward. Now what does that make you?

Taehyungie is right. You should talk it out with Yoongi, Hobi :-( I'm not saying this because I feel bad for him but because he truly deserves an explanation about your sudden uhhh outburst or smth yanno

Yo wimp. What cha hidin?

Why are you guys turning against me? Shouldn't you guys be asking Yoongi? Why he made me like this? Why it's his fault huh?

Then fucking tell me. I'm not a damn mind reader. Tell me what my fault is and I'll tell you my reasons and, if ever, apologies. Basic, right?


I hate you... Check your DMs... I just fucking hate you... Whatever

Bruh. Y'all gotta chill n wait patiently for Yoonseok to happen. I labeled it as Yoonseok and I know what I'm doing. Don't worry about that.

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