022 : Limited

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Namjoon: Hey

Jimin: Hyung! What's up

Namjoon: How're ya hangin'

Jimin: I am? Good, I guess.

Namjoon: Well, that's good to hear.

Namjoon: I'm here to tell you that I talked to Kookie about it. He may be quite a dork most of the time, but he's a pretty smart one

Namjoon: Anyway, I asked him to tone it down

Jimin: Tone what down Hyung?

Namjoon: The teasings and stuff

Jimin: What, no. Oh my god you didn't have to :-(

Jimin: Kookie doesn't have to. He should do his own thing

Jimin: Who am I to turn against their friendship? I should just be thankful

Jimin: Plus, it doesn't do any good

Namjoon: Jimin, you're a good guy and everything. I admire you a lot, especially lately. It's been growing and all. I just hope you choose the right guy for you. We're always here for our angel. Kookie, Seokjin, Taehyung, and I especially are here for you

Namjoon: Can't say anything about the other two. They're different cases

Jimin: I... don't feel so good anymore Hyung

Namjoon: Hang in there. I'll get you ice cream.

Jimin: Haha. That would be a deal

Namjoon: I'm bringing Tae. We'll be on our way. See you alright?

Jimin: I miss my Taehyungie

Jimin: Thank you so much for everything, Hyung. You da best.

Jimin: If only my choice weren't so limited


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