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Fabric fluttered to the floor,and I glared at Wonwoo as he dropped his clothes carelessly. His fingers hovered over the button of his jeans.


I looked from him to the mess he was creating. Wonwoo rolled his eyes.

"Really?" He yanked them up and looked around before tossing them onto the single couch.


"What do you want me to do? Hang them up?" Wonwoo sounded exasperated.

"The closet is through those doors on the left."

"You can't be serious."

"Hurry up," was all I said.

Wonwoo stared at me for another second before he yanked his stuff up and made his way to the bedroom. I let him go alone, knowing there was nothing there.

I sipped the gin in my cup, listening out for Wonwoo. He was taking longer than necessary, but he was no doubt looking for something.

"I don't like to be kept waiting."

Wonwoo emerged from the room fully naked. I'd been right. His body was magnificent. His chest looked good enough to bite.

"You're still dressed," Wonwoo pointed out.

"Good observation skills. You should be a detective," I said.

Wonwoo flinched but quickly covered it up as he moved closer to me.

So adorable.

"Turn around," I said.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes. He turned around, and I took in every detail, mapping it all to memory.

"Hands and knees."

Wonwoo's mouth fell open, and I waited him out. He shook his head, seemingly making up his mind as he sauntered over. Wonwoo lowered himself in front of me, his gaze unwavering as he got on his hands and knees on the couch. It was a sectional couch, thus the border side was comfortable and big enough for two people to lay around.

The knife hidden under my pant leg was sharp enough to skin the blemish off in one swipe. It would be nothing more than a small nick.

I rolled my shoulders back as I forced the thought to the furthest part of my mind, focusing on Wonwoo for now. I coated my fingers in lube, pressed one against his hole and worked it in. "Stay still," I warned as Wonwoo tried to take more of my finger into his hot body.

A visible shudder wrecked Wonwoo's body. "You're gentler than I thought."

"I don't like breaking my toys too fast."

"Wha—" Wonwoo's words were cut off as I added another finger stretching him. I spread them, opening his hole and pulling a deep groan from him.

He squirmed, his hole clenching down on my fingers as he tried his hardest not to thrust his hips back. My fingers danced over his prostate, steadily applying pressure in a pattern until the muscles in his back tensed. I changed it up before he could cum.

Sweat rolled down his spine, making his naturally pale flesh glisten under the lights. I eased my fingers back. His hole clenched around them, begging for me to stay, but nothing came out of Wonwoo's mouth.

Can't have that.

I wanted to hear him beg, to break under me.

I teased his prostate again and lightly stroked his cock, not enough to truly stimulate him. A moan emitted from Wonwoo as his shoulder blades bunched. He seemed quite irritated with me.

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