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Lying around and healing was for the weak. There were better things I could be doing with my time. Like reminding a certain cop exactly what I was capable of.

I slipped from the bed and moved around the guest room without making a single sound. Wonwoo was in the living room, fixing and placing books back on the shelf. After two days of being out of it, confined to the bed, I noticed Wonwoo had kept himself busy. The piles of unfinished projects that had decorated most of my place were cleared away.

A part of me thought Wonwoo would be gone. I fought the drowsiness of the pills, but they dragged me down to darkness each time. Waiting for me was the worry I'd open my eyes and Wonwoo wouldn't be there.

I need to make sure he never tries to leave again.

My chest tightened. I squinted to see if he'd put them in the order I'd shown him the first time. A few were out of place, but it surprisingly didn't bother me. I leaned against the wall and watched him for another ten minutes. He moved around, but it was like no one was home. His blue eyes were vacant.

I moved swiftly across the living room with light steps. Wonwoo turned but it was too late. I had him in my trap already. I slammed him against the wall, face forward. He squeaked, and I groaned, being pressed so close to him.

"You're supposed to be resting!"

A shiver of pleasure coated me from head to toe. The pain was little more than an annoyance. Something I could easily ignore for him.

"Mmm, is that right?" I wove my hand around Wonwoo's waist and pushed past the elastic band of his sweats. Hot flesh greeted my fingertips and went further until I had Wonwoo's cock in my hand.

Wonwoo sucked in a sharp breath as he pushed back against me. He was in need, and what kind of person would I be to ignore the man that had my mind, body, and black soul in the palm of his hands? I'd be worse than a monster.

My lips brushed along his ear. "Say it again."

I wanted to hear those sweet words, the ones that carved deeper into me than any knife or bullet ever had. I craved them like I craved Wonwoo's flesh.

"What?" Wonwoo groaned. He shook his head and tried to pull away from me without hurting me. "Mingyu, you need to be in bed."

I tightened my fist around his cock and stroked it just how I knew he liked it. The whimper that tumbled free of Wonwoo was like finding a gold mine.

"That's not it." I pressed firmly against him, closing my eyes for a moment and breathing him in.

"What—" His words broke off into a gasp as I swiped my thumb over the head of his cock.


The way he said my name only spurred me on further. My blood boiled, and every inch of my body was on high alert, all focused on Wonwoo.

I pulled back and turned Wonwoo around. His back hit the wall. Before he could stop me, I dropped to my knees and yanked his sweats down. His cock was hard, and a pearl of precum greeted me.

The smirk on my face was impossible to contain. Wonwoo needed this just as badly as I did. We'd been without each other for far too long. I could see in his beautiful blue eyes that he was one second away from shattering.

"Mingyu, you shouldn't—"

"Hands on my shoulders," I demanded.

Wonwoo hesitated for a second, staring into my eyes. He slowly raised his hands and gripped on my shoulders.

"You listen so well." I ran my tongue up the length of his cock. "When you want to."

Wonwoo's teeth bit down on his bottom lip as he stared down at me. Concern and desire played havoc in his gaze. I could tell he wanted to both stop and beg me to do more.

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