Wonwoo (Epilogue)

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Twenty-nine and a half days later

Soonyoung grunted,rising to his feet with one of my boxes. I looked at what was written on top. Mingyu had insisted on labeling everything while we packed, unlike my system of tossing crap into a box and having a headache when I had to put it all away.

"Upstairs in the bedroom. You can actually put it in the closet."

"Alright," he groaned. "What the fuck is in here?"

I shrugged. "No idea. I had to move fast because your brother is a nutcase."

"Hey," Mingyu called.

"It's the truth," I muttered, walking over to Seokmin. "Those can go to the bookshelf. I don't have a ton of books, but I'm sure someone will want them there."

Seokmin nodded. We still weren't BFFs forever or anything, but we were at least on speaking terms. The conversation we'd had a few weeks ago got rid of most of our irritation, and we'd both come to the same conclusion; Mingyu was more important than any hurt feelings between us.

"Ooh, let me have these!" Jennie called, pulling out some old firecrackers I forgot I even had. "We can light them up."

"No," Mingyu answered.

"After we finish moving," I said, winking at Jennie. Mingyu moved away from the truck, and I glared at him. "You get back there and stay back there."

"Keep it up," Mingyu warned.

I raised a brow and grinned at him. Mingyu had to know by now that I wasn't afraid of him. He'd take it out on my ass later, but at least I could ride him and make him relax. Moving heavy boxes was strictly forbidden until Rose cleared him. He was a lot better than before, but I wanted him to stay that way, not backslide.

"Stay, boy," I ordered. "Sit."

Mingyu's hand turned into a tight fist as he growled at me like a hungry baby would to his mother. That baby vampire is actually hungry I guess. Jennie and I exchanged a look and burst into laughter.

"You're going to get in trouble later," she sang.

"God, I hope so."

"Disgusting," Jennie groaned. "Give me some good luck so I can find some of that."

We chuckled, glancing up only to look at Mingyu. He was still glaring daggers, making me snicker. Jennie cleared her throat, calming down.

"Hey, he's dating you. He might still kill me."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right. If he did that, he'd be a dead man himself."

"What are you two talking about?" Mingyu asked.

"Nothing!" I called. I grinned as I saw a familiar face approaching us. "Rose, how are you?"

"Fabulous as always." She walked over to me, and her smile faltered before she cleared her throat. "And who is this?"

I glanced at Jennie. "Oh, this is my good friend Jennie or Jen. This is Rose."

"Hi," Rose said.

"Um, hi," Jennie mumbled. "I, uh, what—"

"Jennie's tired," I said quickly. "We've been moving stuff all day. Can you check Mingyu out to make sure he's okay? I won't let him move until we're sure."

"Right, I should do that." She took a few steps back, her eyes still lingering on Jennie. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too."

Rose turned on her heels, a visible pep in her step as she bounced over to Mingyu. Jennie's eyes ran up her long legs. She whistled.

"She single?"

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