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Throbbing. It was all I could feel at first. And then a weight on my chest, the feeling of Mingyu's soft sheets, and a blanket on top of me. I forced my eyes to open.


Jazz yelled in my face. I groaned, rolling over until he hopped off of me. With the weight on my chest gone, I could breathe easier.

I'm back in Mingyu's room.

My mind was jumbled until I remembered what Mingyu had done.

The throbbing in my body intensified as I pictured every moment from earlier. I didn't even know how long earlier was, but I could still taste blood on Mingyu's kisses and feel his cock claiming me again and again.

I climbed out of bed, stopping as soon as the floor squeaked. When Mingyu didn't come rushing in, I kept moving. I rooted around in the drawer and found my clothes.

"We've got to get out of here, J," I muttered. "For real this time. I'm not staying."

My job was waiting; my career and future were on the line. If I stayed with Mingyu, I would be throwing all of that in the trash. I walked to the bedroom door, my heart racing as I cracked it open. Someone was conversing with Mingyu.

"What the fuck are you thinking?"

"I know what I'm doing," Mingyu replied.

"Do you? Didn't I remind you of what happens when you think you have shit under control?" The man snapped, slipping into rapid-fire Italian I couldn't understand. "Where is he?"

"Leave him alone," Mingyu's voice deepened, nearly a growl. "If you touch him—"

"You'll what?"

"Will you two calm down?" That was a voice I recognized. Soonyoung. "Since when do I have to be the voice of fucking reason?"

Shit, is that other voice Kim Seokmin?

A cold sweat arched down my back. Out of everyone in the family, he was the most dangerous. His file was thicker than anyone else's, and the things he'd done... I shivered.

Can't think about that. Gotta get out of here.

It took everything in me to quiet my breathing. My feet padded down the cool stairs one by one. The shoes I'd been about to put on were by the front door. Could I even reach that? I kept Jazz clutched to my side. He was usually quiet when he was on me, and I prayed he stayed that way. I dipped into the guest room, grabbing my wallet from the pants I'd been wearing.

No keys.

"You'll get rid of him," Seokmin growled.



"Mingyu, I'm not asking."

"And I'm not going to do it," Mingyu said evenly. "He's mine."

More silence followed, so loud I could hear my heart pounding in my ears.

"I'll do it myself," Seokmin snapped.

My chest squeezed as I took a step back. The sound of Seokmin drawing closer made every hair on the back of my neck stand on end. Images of crime scenes and what he'd done played in my head one after the other. Severed limbs, empty eye-sockets, cold blue bodies. I imagined all of them being me, and fear trickled down my spine.

Come on, Jeon. If you're going to go down, then do it swinging.

I steeled myself, waiting to be eye to eye with Seokmin. Instead, I heard a grunt, a thud and the sound of fighting.

É𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐗 || 𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐄/𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now