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My blood rushed,and pinpricks danced along my forearms and to my fingers wrapped around Wonwoo's throat.

I missed you.

His words wrapped around me like a snake does to its prey, squeezing me until I felt as if I couldn't suck in air.

Why was he here? I knew the answer to that, and yet I refused to acknowledge it. Pain blossomed behind my eyes as a headache built. My fingers tightened around his throat out of reflex, and his eyes widened. Instantly my body responded, but I stayed still, refusing to give in to the constant pull between us.

My head tilted as my brows lifted. "What?"

Wonwoo audibly swallowed his Adam's apple, caressing my palm. "I missed you."

It was too much going on for me to decipher what he truly meant. Was he lying? Did he miss me, or was there something else?

Wonwoo attempted to get up and I slammed him back against the cabinet, daring him with my eyes to try again.

He went still. "What? So it's okay for you to break into my place, but I can't do the same?"


Wonwoo's brows dipped. "That's bullshit."

He didn't try and move or force my hand off his neck. It was a good call. I wasn't sure what I'd be liable to do if he had.

"I make the rules." I pressed my fingers against his flesh before loosening my hold once more. "Am I clear?"

Wonwoo's breathing was erratic and the closer I leaned toward him the better he smelled. I got lost for a moment in his blue eyes. I'd been right to compare them to glass because Wonwoo was going to cut me.

"I never agreed to that," Wonwoo squeezed out.

"I don't recall asking."

We grew closer with every word that spilled between us. I doubted Wonwoo even noticed he'd pushed himself away from the counter and was gravitating toward me. It was like we were magnets unable to fight the pull. The world had made us oil and fire, a combination that should never be mixed.


My name on his lips was like a freshly sharpened knife sliding through flesh. Why? I'd made sure not to get attached to anyone. One night with Wonwoo, and I was hooked. Seokmin is going to be pissed off.

The thought of my brother was like ice-cold water in the face and I pulled back before our bodies fully touched.

"You shouldn't have come," I said.

"Thanks for missing me too." Wonwoo pouted.

Pout— WhaWhy pouting—Who the hell was giving him pouting lessons? Is he meeting Soonyoung behind my back? That freak looks like a fluffy dumpling and this one here is looking like a chubby kitten. Pout attackers!

Had I missed him? I knew he took up every thought in my head. Wonwoo was a constant even in my dreams. I woke up wanting to touch him. Soonyoung had called it; my obsession was dangerous.

I said nothing as I patted him down and took his phone and keys.


"Don't," I ground out.

I tossed everything on the marble countertops. The keys slid into the sink, and I didn't bother picking them up. I was too focused on Wonwoo.

I took another step back as I tried to think of what to do. Asking him what he'd heard weighed heavy on my tongue, but the answer might result in me having to kill him. I pressed my lips together, refusing to ask the questions I needed to.

É𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐗 || 𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐄/𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now