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I ripped ,open Mingyu's shirt and searched for the wound. There was so much blood it was like a curtain, obscuring my view and hiding where he was injured. Frustration fueled my irritation, and I looked more closely.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Seokmin asked.

"Fuck off!" I snapped.

Seokmin's eyes darkened. "Watch yourself."

"You think I give a fuck about what you can do to me right now?" I stared through Seokmin like he was nothing. I'd never shaken so badly in my life. The only thing I gave a damn about was Mingyu. "I just had my friend, a good friend, threaten to fucking kill me. He put a gun up to my head." I shivered. "Now he's dead..."

Emotions stole my next words, clogging up my throat as tears spilled down my cheeks. The shock was still there, keeping me safe from the reality of the situation. But I could feel it coming on, that nasty truth that was waiting to rip me open and tear me into tiny little shreds.

"The only thing I give a fuck about right now is him," I said, nodding to Mingyu. "He's all I've got left."

The world hammered at my door; my friend had been stomped to death, my job was more than likely gone, and Mingyu was bleeding on the expensive, dark leather of his brother's imported goddamn car. It was like I was living in some fucked up nightmare.

"I'm o-okay." Mingyu grabbed my hand and squeezed. "It's not so bad."

"Shut up," I snapped at him. "Just shut up before you fucking bleed out in my arms."

Mingyu smiled at me, and I almost fell apart. My heart squeezed. He was an idiot. Why the hell had he taken a bullet for me? This was the guy who swore he would murder me if we ever crossed paths again more than once. And yet he'd dove in the way of Hyungsik's rage as if it was nothing.

I found the wound and shoved my hand against it. Shifting Mingyu slightly, I made sure the bullet had entered and exited. Once I was certain that it had, I sighed in relief. At least it wasn't lodged in his body. That would be a kind of horror I couldn't take right now.

Seokmin and Soonyoung didn't exist for me. All I could focus on was Mingyu. He reached out, his hand gripping mine so tightly it could break. Or maybe I was just more aware of every sensation right now. His hand felt like lead on mine, and the air in the car was stifling with the scent of blood and gunsmoke.

"Stop," Mingyu muttered at me. "You look like a baby when you cry."

I burst out laughing. It was such an unexpected thing to say it took me off guard. The laughter died, and I cried harder. My life was falling apart. The only one that had ever truly seen me was a criminal. I had no idea what anything was anymore.

Mingyu's hand brushed against my cheek. "Breathe," he said. "It's okay."

"Shouldn't I be telling you that?" I muttered.

"Stop being so fucking stubborn."

I wanted to wrap my arms around Mingyu and never let him go. Even when he was in obvious pain, I could feel how much he worried about me. The crazy, housebreaking, stalking piece of puppy cared about me.

Soonyoung moved over and helped me apply pressure. We locked eyes, and he nodded but kept quiet. I wanted to thank him for that. Right now, I couldn't take anything more than what was in front of me.


"Yeah?" I asked, clearing my throat so I didn't sound like such a little bitch.

"We're almost home."

Home. Mingyu said it so casually as if it meant nothing, but it meant the world to me. My eyes clouded again, and I wanted to curl up on myself and sob where no one could see me. I knew it was part of being in shock, but goddamn, did it hurt.

É𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐗 || 𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐄/𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now