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"Let's go, people!" Sergeant White's voice broke over the radio. "We need to get into position and fast before the Kims realize what we're up to."

My chest squeezed so tight I briefly wondered if I should stop and go straight to the hospital. I tugged my bulletproof vest away from my body and groaned.

Stupid thing feels like it's suffocating me.

"Stop fidgeting," Hyungsik muttered.

"Can't." I squirmed in my seat.

It was almost time to leave the car, and then the action would start. This was that exact moment that I loved on rollercoasters, that second when the platform shifted, and there was no going back. But now? I shivered. Cold sweat trickled down my back.

"Are you good or not?" Hyungsik snapped.

His eyebrows pinched together and his mouth turned down into a deep frown, bordering on a scowl.

"Let me get ready my way, and you get ready your way, okay?" I snapped. "What does it matter to you if I can't sit still?"

Hyungsik's eyes narrowed. "Is there a problem?"

My life is the problem.Dude, Seokmin. One look, and he would burry me deep underground. These three Kim brothers are damn hot, no doubt. But this dude somehow had to be hot by temper as well!

I wanted to tell him to leave it the fuck alone, but I was done talking. Any second now, we'd be raiding one of the Kims biggest warehouses. It was the kind of betrayal there was no coming back from. When Mingyu found out, we wouldn't be fucking in dark alleys. I'd be dead.

Shadows walked back and forth around the warehouse. There were guards all over. No doubt there were more inside. Every second that ticked by made the hair on my arms raise. I adjusted my vest again, mapping out every scenario that could possibly happen.

I shifted in my seat, and I caught Hyungsik glaring at me.

Fuck, something bit him on his bum or something?

To be fair the entire precinct was up in arms after hearing and seeing what had happened to former officer Chandler. My stomach twisted in knots just thinking about it. I'd prided myself on having a strong stomach, but I'd tossed up my entire breakfast after seeing the pictures of his mutilated body.

"What are you going through, Jeon?" Hyungsik asked.

I pressed the back of my hand over my mouth, forcing myself to swallow back the bile. "Nothing. Just remembered the stuff with Aaron Chandler."

Hyungsik stiffened, and his mouth dipped further in a frown. "A good man tortured like that. Only a monster could do it." He ground his teeth as he stared intently at the warehouse. "Fucking Kims."

At the mention of them, my heart skipped a beat.


"We don't know it was them." Even as I said it, a part of me knew that was false. It could have very well been Mingyu who did it. "He was a dirty cop. I hardly think he qualifies as a good man."

Hyungsik scoffed and slapped the steering wheel. "Are you sticking up for them now? Do you need to stay back?"

I shook my head.

"Jeon, you need to be on the good side. I can't have a partner who doesn't have my back."

He's right. What the hell am I even thinking?

I nodded. "I got your back."

We stared at each other for another minute before the same old smile appeared on his face. It was jarring how quickly his facial expressions had changed. "Good, it's you and me." He touched my arm, but it felt off, that same icy feeling permeating my veins.

É𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐗 || 𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐄/𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now