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Four days,and I was still no closer to knowing what I should do with Wonwoo. I wanted Wonwoo under me at all times, but my wants weren't exactly reality. I knew that more than anyone.

I blew out a puff of air as I leaned against a light pole across the street of the fourth bar Wonwoo had been to. In the time we'd been apart, he hadn't visited Blu once or shown up at my place. I know I told him to never come back but a part of me hoped he wouldn't listen.

The night was nearly over, and the early morning was creeping up. It was two forty-five, and the last bar was already emptying. I kept my gaze fixed across the street, waiting for a certain cop to exit. Four o'clock struck, and my stomach twisted. The bouncer who'd been lounging outside went in. Before I knew what I was doing, I was halfway across the street.

"Wait," I said.

He stopped and glanced my way. "Sorry, we're closed. Go drink at home."

"Luke, come here," someone inside shouted.

"I'm not here to drink. I'm here to pick up my..."

My what? Toy?

My chest tightened, but the person inside called the bouncer again.

"I have to go. Maybe you missed whoever you're looking for." He attempted to close the door.

I cut the distance between us in two easy strides. With my hand on the door and foot on the ledge, I stopped it from closing.

"I highly doubt that."

He blew out a breath. "It's been a good night. Don't fuck it up. Get out." He puffed out his chest.

If he thought he was intimidating me, that was hardly the case. If anything, it was annoying me. The more time he wasted stood between Wonwoo and me.

"Luke, I've been calling you. We have some guy passed out in the VIP set again," a woman said. She turned, and her green eyes widened.

"We're closed. Sorry, come back tonight." She popped a hand on her hip and looked at Luke.

"I've been trying—"

"The man in the VIP section. I'm here to get him."

Both of them turned to look my way. The burly bouncer's gruff eyebrows dipped. "How would you know it's who you're looking for?"

"Did he text you or something?" the woman asked.

No. I wish he had.

"Black hair, blue eyes, cat like calm face. His license number zero one two four four four six three one."

She shrugged. "Fucking good enough for me. Come get him." She turned on her heels but stopped just as the bouncer let me in. "His tab." She eyed me from head to toe. I didn't have to be a mind reader to know she'd picked out the designer clothes. I bypassed my gun and pulled out a roll of money. "This should more than cover it. "

Her eyes widened only for a second before she took it. "Yeah, third door " She pointed and I was already halfway across the small bar. Only two others were cleaning up. They glanced my way but paid me little attention, no doubt rushing to get out of there and back home.

I pushed the door open. Soft snores accompanied the hum of the lights above. The floor was black and nothing in that room looked anything like a VIP section.. The door wasn't locked as I pushed it open with my toe. There on chair next to the counter was Wonwoo.

The stench of alcohol had nothing to do with being in a bar and everything to do with Wonwoo. The closer I got the stronger the smell wafted off of him. I didn't want to touch anything here.

É𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐔𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐗 || 𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐄/𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐖𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now