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Was I pathetically lonely? Or did I have a death wish?

I pondered which was the correct answer as I stared at Mingyu's front door. Leaving was the only intelligent decision, and yet my feet were planted on the floor. I could still taste him on my tongue, a delicious mix of salt and danger that made me want to go back for seconds.

The evidence is in my shoe. I need to get out of here and check it out.

Upstairs, I heard the sound of music starting up, and I frowned. Water ran, and I could imagine him slipping out of his clothes and stepping into a steaming shower. The look on his face when he left had been conflicted and...

Am I imagining shit, or was he upset?

Something had definitely come over him before. All I could think was to distract him with the project of the bookshelves, but something had happened. For that short moment, he wasn't a man who had murdered a cop that I knew. He was lost and unsure.

It's not like Siwon wasn't a crooked cop anyway.

Everyone knew about him and what he had his fingers in. When it came to lining his pockets, he was the best at it.

Am I justifying Mingyu killing a man?

It was slippery ground to walk on.

I walked over to the bottom of the stairs and glanced up. My stomach tightened and something laced through me. I felt the cold shiver of fear. I didn't want to leave Mingyu alone, but I felt just as afraid to go to him. What if I never recovered? What if whatever twisted obsession I had became full-blown psychosis?

My foot lifted, and the moment it landed on the stair, I was speed walking. Against all my instincts that screamed go back, I opened the shower door and watched as water rolled down his skin. He gazed at me, and something in me melted.

Shit. Do I have daddy issues?

Jennie was right; I was the good guy. He was the bad boy. And I was falling for it hook, line, and sinker. I kicked off my shoes, knocking them to the side before his hand curled around my shirt. Mingyu yanked me into the stall, my back slammed against the wall, and his lips devoured mine.

I forgot how to breathe. My sense of reason was long gone, replaced with a burning need that tore through me. Mingyu's tongue swiped against the seam of my lips. I opened for him, panting as my tongue slid against his. Mingyu's hands gripped my shirt, tugging at it as a growl tumbled from his lips. That sound was enough to make my cock jump and desperately ache to be touched.

At that exact moment, Mingyu's hand wrapped around my length, making my knees turn to jelly. Every inch of me burst into flames as he tugged at my clothes, desperate and anxious.

"Mingyu," I groaned as his mouth moved to my throat. Sharp teeth sank into my neck, and I swore as his fingers dug into my flesh at the same time. "Fuck."

Trying to strip Mingyu of his control was always fun, but it was like he had none now. He tossed my clothes off, throwing them to the side before he grabbed my wrist and spun me around. My chest kissed the wall, my hips were yanked back, and I forgot how to breathe. A finger slipped into my hole, making my eyes widen as a whimper fell from my lips.

"Mingyu, what's wrong with you?" I asked. My stomach clenched, and I realized the truth. I was worried about him. "Are you losing your mind or some— Shit!"

He didn't say a word. Every move Mingyu made was deliberate and rough, like he wanted to tear me apart. Something wet slipped between my cheeks. I glanced over my shoulder. Mingyu held a bottle of something, squeezing it between my cheeks with a determined look on his face. I peered closer and saw aloe vera.

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