𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧: Imagining the Future

410 36 32

[A/N: longest chapter possible]

Renjun couldn't hold back his excitement as he saw all kinds of wallpaper, from ones with floral ornaments to shapes and pictures. He slightly touched it and felt goosebumps.

"What can I take?" he asked, looking over his shoulder and meeting Jaemin's eyes.

"Everything you want," the beta replied with a chuckle. "Really. It's about your studio."

"Studio," Renjun mumbled.

Yeah, studio. That's the name Jeno gave to the third-floor room, not that far from his office. Renjun saw it this morning, and he couldn't calm down ever since. It was wide. Not as wide as the bedroom, but for him, a person, who was used to sharing a bedroom with several omegas, it was like a hall. The room was completely empty, with no furniture and no wallpaper, just wooden flooring and boring walls. It must've had another purpose when Jeno built this house, but as it was empty for a while, it wasn't a surprise Renjun got it all for himself—he was a master's future mate! Everything was left for Renjun's creativity.

"Pick a few," Jaemin assisted him as he noticed Renjun was too lost under all of that excitement. "Then we'll get the samples and check which one works better for the walls."

Renjun nodded and, trying not to make eye contact with Haewon, he turned away. The omega was there too. Jaemin didn't want to leave him at the house as he thought he'd be lonely, and Jeno didn't want to be alone with him. So, nothing much was left but to take him on the trip.

Although Renjun had nothing against more company, he did feel awkward that they brought Haewon to something he would never have. Not to mention that neither of the omegas had bonding marks on their necks, which must've looked weird for the people around as they walked with a beta. Jaemin wore a suit to look like a bodyguard to minimize the weird sight. This was something Renjun found interesting for the past few trips. Jaemin loved all kinds of clothes at home but went to public in a suit.

Renjun himself looked even better. He wore a black matte and shiny silk shirt, which looked elegant the moment he put on a silk jacquard monogram lavalliere and wide-leg burgundy pants. For the footwear, he couldn't help but put on ankle-high boots and finish it with the last touch—a leather bag by his side. He looked rich and outstanding compared to the other two.

"Alright," Renjun pressed his lips into a thin line and stepped closer to the wallpaper exhibition. At the same time, he handed Jaemin his bag, and the beta held it with no words said as if he was Renjun's personal bag holder.

The omega bent and tiptoed as he looked at every possible color and ornament. A frown soon formed on his forehead as Renjun found the situation too hard for him. Jeno's idea was great to let Renjun pick what he wanted, but what if he wasn't sure which choice was better? No one knew, but Renjun didn't get a high grade in home decor class...

"May I help you?" some alpha, a quite young one, perhaps an employee or a part-timer walked to them.

Renjun tensed and panicked quite a bit. He didn't know how to speak to other alphas and with Jeno it was just different. So, in discomfort, he was about to turn to Jaemin for help, but it seemed the beta had already seen that.

"No, thanks," he said politely, but his eyes... Renjun wasn't sure if he saw them as dark as this. Not only did they make Jaemin look scary, but they also added so much more to his presence. As if he weren't just a beta, leading the omega to the stores.

No wonder the alpha considered that so fast. Eyes widened in surprise, he nodded and retreated, soon disappearing between the shelves. Renjun was fazed by how fast the home economist got rid of an alpha, but Jaemin didn't let him slack off. The beta stepped closer to Renjun and blocked the way the employee came from.

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