Chapter Two

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"Stop!" Majed immediately stilled, closing his eyes tightly.

"Firstly you address me as sir, this is our office not our house. Secondly, what was that? You know better than to place your feet on a table where you work. I better not see your feet on the table again or otherwise.... And weren't you supposed to be checking if the room was ready? Why are you sitting there watching your phone? Go and get all the staff for the meeting and you better be done within the next 5 mins." Murtasim scolded him. "Do you understand?" He said upon not hearing a response.

"Yes sir", Majed responded. 'Meanie', he mumbled under his breath, whilst turning to leave and do just as his Baba had told him to do so.

"I heard that"

Majed just brisk walked not giving his Baba a chance to say anything. Murtasim smiled, shaking his head fondly.

Majed walked to the staff area and told them to be in the meeting room as soon as possible. Making sure everyone has left, he moved back to the meeting room and sat next to Murtasim who carried out the presentation.

"Our business had achieved an increase in profit last month. However, I have seen that some of you have started to lack behind in work. I will not tolerate any laziness in this company and if you think you are not capable of doing so, then you are more than welcome to leave. I will not let any of your tardiness affect my business. I hope I have made myself clear." Everyone shivered at his cold tone, excluding Majed who was lost in his own lala land not paying attention on what was going on the meeting.

"The presentations I am presenting will show you the changes that will be made to the business. I want everyone's full focus, you better not miss any information cz I am not going to be holding this meeting twice, make a mistake and you are out." Working In a business is not a cup of tea, Murtasim has spent years building this company, which is now well known worldwide where he incorporates with other popular and well reputated businesses.

"Majed, bring on the PowerPoint." Murtasim ordered, and when he didn't hear a response, he turned to look at Majed who was busy zoning out. Murtasim couldn't believe that his son had the audacity to zone out in the middle of a meeting, he has told him several times to pay attention, cz one day he will be leading but seems like words have no affect on him.

"Majed!!" Murtasim shouted, finally jolting Majed from his world.

"Yes Baba" Majed let out, forgetting they were in a meeting room. However, as soon as he looked around and saw everyone staring, that's when he was bought back to reality and realised his mistake.

"Hehe....I mean yes sir. Did you say something?" He nervously laughed out. Murtasim didn't know what to do with this idiot.

Shaking his head, he repeated "Pull up the PowerPoint on the laptop." Majed just nodded his head following as he had been instructed to do so.

This may have been normal for them but the staff looked shocked because they knew if they were in his place, they would have been fired by now.

The meeting continued, where Murtasim shared the pointers of what changes were being conducted and the reasoning behind it, which led to a good overall profit margin. Soon when they were done, the staff was told to exit the meeting room and to continue with their work, leaving Majed and Murtasim only in the room.

Murtasim stared into his child's soul making Majed squirm in his place. "Am I that boring, cz you were busy zoning out? If we had clients present instead of the staff today, do you think it would have made a good impression?"

"Hehe, come on it was only a one time thing. I won't do it again." Majed, said sheepishly.

"Well good for you because I'll make sure you won't repeat this mistake again. Get up, go and stand in that corner. I'll let you know when to come out" Murtasim said, while pointing at the corner of a room.

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