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Later that night, I was wearing my mask, sweats and hoodie, like usual. I was tying my tennis shoes when there was a knock on my window. I glanced up to see Peter there. He wasn't wearing his costume, and I pulled my eyebrows down in confusion. 

I waved for him to come in, and studied him. "Aren't you training me tonight?" I asked. 

Peter smiled, and leaned against the wall. "Well, I thought about it," he said. "But then, I remembered that our date got cut short." 

I blushed, and turned away, tugging at my shoelaces. "So what did you have in mind?" 

He walked over, and stood in front of me. "Well, I did say I would teach you how to skate." He took my mask off, and pulled me up. "So, that's what I'm gonna do." 

I raised my eyebrows at him. "The parks closed, isn't it? Won't it be all locked up?" 

Peter smirked. "We won't go through the gates, obviously." 

"You mean... sneak in?" I asked. 

Peter laughed, and I had to cover his mouth with with my hands before my mom came in. "Rayne," he said, though it was muffled. He pulled my hands off of his mouth. "Of course we're going to sneak in. It'll be easy." 

"I thought good guys were suppose to follow all the rules?" I asked. 

"I'm more of a fun-loving guy." He shrugged, leaning back against the wall. 

I smiled. "Alright," I agreed. "Let's go." 


We swung into the park, and I was able to see how much damage was done due to the fight earlier today. 

"Wow," I said. The half pipe was destroyed, and a dozen benches were broken beyond repair. "Do all the fights end up with this much damage?" 

"Not usually," Peter huffed, also surveying the ruins. "But I don't normally fight super powered villians, either. The only other supernatural bad guy I've been up against was Dr. Connors." 

"Who?" I asked, not recognizing the name. 

"Most people know him as the giant lizard guy," he said. 

"I think Frank told me about that," I thought aloud. 

"Frank?" Peter asked, raising his eyebrow. 

"A friend of my mom's," I explained. "He's been helping us out since we got here." 

Peter nodded, and placed his skateboard on the ground. 

"Peter?" I asked. 

"Hm?" he hummed, glancing up. 

"That lady you fought earlier... she said she would come back for me," I started, looking at the ground. "What did she mean by that?" 

Peter looked me in the eye, and walked over to hug me. I wrapped my arms around his torso, and his were around my waist. "I don't know what she meant," he admitted. "But I promise, I'll find out." 

I buried my head in his shoulder, shaking. 

"Do you have any idea who she could've been?" he asked, and I felt him rubbing my back. "Did she look familiar to you at all?" 

I shook my head, pulling away. "I've never seen her in my life," I said. 

Peter pursed his lips, and gave me another small hug. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" he asked me. 

"No," I rushed. "It's fine, really." 

Peter shook his head at me, smiling softly. "So you're okay to learn how to skate?" 

"Well..." I trailed off, glancing at the board. 

Peter laughed. "Too late," he said, and pushed me towards his skate board. 

I was really going to die.


It was really late when I finally got home, and I'm pretty sure I had bruises all over my butt from falling down so many times. Peter was definitely going to get it. 

It was 3 AM but I couldn't fall asleep, no matter how tired I was. I couldn't get that woman's face out of my mind. Her white-blonde hair. Her bright, glowing red eyes. The yellow bolts of lightning that surrounded her, and the wind around her that seemed to hold her in the air.

Who was she? 

Why was she here? 

What did she want with me? 

I tossed and turned all night, but never did close my eyes.



Sorry this is late guys, I've been so busy! This week, I don't know if I'll be able to write at all, because tonight, I have to pack for Nashville, because I'm going there this weekend for a choir competition. Tomorrow, I have to shop for the rest of the things I don't have yet. Wednesday, I have a hair appointment, because I hair is seriously like a rats nest omg. Thursday, I have to sing for some NHS Induction Ceremony for choir again, and then I leave early Friday morning.

I seriously hate it.





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