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-_-_-_-_-Peter's POV-_-_-_-_- 


Even if I wasn't invited to dinner with Rayne and her family, I would have snuck in as Spiderman or something. There was something about that Kim lady. It almost felt like my spider senses went off, but it felt like they were on a low setting or something.   

Although, it could just be because of the reactions she got from Rayne and her mom. Rayne had told me about her dad leaving for another woman, and I remember the hatred in Rayne's eyes. I had never seen her look so terrifying, and to be honest, it kind of scared me. 

It was now five, and as promised, I was standing at the door, wearing a simple black tux, with a tie that my Aunt May had to show me how to put on. Before I could knock, another man was beside me, weaing a dark grey tux, and a darker tie similar to mine. 

"You must be the other man they forced here," he chuckled, and held out his hand. "I'm Frank." 

"Peter," I introduced, shaking his hand. 

Before we could say anything more, Cheryl flung the door open. She was wearing a long, strapless blue dress, with a bundle of gems on the side. Her brown hair was in a big bun, and long, diamond earings dangled above her shoulders. 

"I thought I heard voices," she said, smirking at Frank beside me, whose mouth was agape. "Well, don't you two look dashing?" 

I smiled in thanks. "You look lovely youself, Ms-" 

"Peter, I swear, stop right there," she interrupted, holding up a finger. "If you don't start calling me Cheryl, I'm going to stop letting you take my daughter out." 

Frank chuckled behind us, and he stepped in, giving Cheryl a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"Oh, Rayne!" she called, looking down the hall. "The boys are here!" 

"Mom, I told you, I'm not falling for that again!" I heard her yell back. 

Her mother rolled her eyes, and shook her head. "A few harmless pranks, and now she doesn't believe a word I say," she sighed. "You know where her room is, don't you? Last door at the end of the hall. She's ready, she's just sulking." 

I laughed and nodded, before walking to her room. I knocked softly, before opening the door, and standing in the doorway. Her back was turned to me, facing the window, and I could see her red hair was in loose curls, draped around her left shoulder. Her dress fell just above her knees, and it was a dark green, with a black sash tied around it, with a large bow in the front. Her shoes were tall, black heels, and I wondered how in the world women could walk in those torturous things. 

"Mom, I told you, I am not falling for any more of your jokes," she sighed, still facing the window. 

"You know, Christmas isn't for another three months," I smirked. 

She whipped around, shock written on her face. Her lips were pinker than usual, probably lip gloss, and her eyes popped with dark eyeliner and mascara, and greenish blue eyeshadow. Her arms shot up, like she was expecting a fight, and I saw a black bracelet slide down her wrist. Her earrings were simple, just big, black balls. When she realized it was me, her hands dropped, and she smiled. "A little warning next time, huh?" 

I grinned, and my eyes locked on hers. "You look beautiful," I complimented, and she blushed. 

"Well, you don't look so bad yourself," she teased, winking. 

"You think so?" I asked, while taking a step forward, and turning. 

She nodded and laughed, and I smiled again at the sound. "So, how come your mom wanted us to show up so early?" I asked. "I thought Kim said six thirty." 

She groaned, and collapsed on her bed. "It's a pre-breather," she explained, closing her eyes as she layed back. "Trust me, you'll be glad to get some peace and quiet before her." 

I lay down next to her, chuckling. "You guys talk about her like she's evil." 

Rayne shrugged, and turned to face me. "You'll hate her within an hour, trust me." 



"Are you bringing your suit with you tonight?" I asked, staring at the ceiling. 

"No," she answered, squinting. "Why? Did you bring yours?" 

I pulled up my sleeve to reveal the red material, and she giggled softly. "Please, at least bring yours," I begged, looking into her eyes. 

"Why?" she asked, sitting up. 

I stayed where I was, my eyes closing. "Did you notice anything... strange, when your dad and Kim were here earlier?" 

"You mean other than pure hatred, and the shiver of disgust?" she asked emotionlessly, glaring at the floor. "No." 

"Shiver of disgust?" I asked. 

"Yeah, like a literal tingle, kind of like... Oh." Her eyes widened and she stood abruptly, nearly falling because of her shoes. I quickly sat up, and grabbed her small waist, holding her in place. "I noticed it," she insisted, "I just... ignored it." She leaned into me for a second, before rushing to her closet, and digging around. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. 

Without saying a word, she pulled out a big, black clutch. "I can't exactly wear my costume under my dress, can I?" she smirked, waving her bag around. "I was going to bring a smaller one, but... oh well." She opened one of her drawers, and dug around before pulling out her suit, and folding it tightly so that it would fit in her bag. 

"What if someone tries to take your bag?" I asked. "Like, one of those guys who takes coats or something?" 

"I'll tell them I have tampons or something in it," she said, shrugging, before freezing, and blushing a brighter red than her hair. "I-I mean..." 

I laughed at her, falling back onto the bed, and clutching my stomach. 

"Shut up," she whined, whacking me with her clutch. "I wasn't thinking, okay?" She huffed, and continued to throw the rest of her suit into her bag, along with some make up and hair pins, all the while grumbling incoherent things. 

"C'mon," she said, glaring at me, and still blushing. I had stopped laughing, but still grinned at her. "Mom will have a fit if I'm not there to hear her vent."

She started to walk out, but I caught her hand, and twirled her around to face me. "You know," I started, cupping her face, "you're cute when you blush." 

Her face flushed again, and I chuckled before kissing her deeply. When I pulled away, her eyes seemed to be fogged over, and had a far away look on her face. I grinned when she snapped out of it, and cleared her throat. 

"Right, well, um... Mom and Frank will be waiting for us," she murmured, smiling softly. "And knowing her, she probably already has the wine out." 

I chuckled, and gently took her hand. "Well, we certainly wouldn't want to miss that." 

She rolled her eyes, before leading the way to the main room.      



  Sorry this is short, but I hope the cuteness makes up for that :)   Don't worry, I will update again soon! Also, if you want to see some sneak peaks to some of my upcoming stories, check out One Shots & Teasers :D It involves some fanfictions along with original fictions... So, yeah :)   Thanks for reading! Vote? Fan? Comment? On the side is Rayne's outfit!

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